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Meantime the Wenuses, flushed with their success in Westbourne Grove, had carried their devastating course in a south-easterly direction, looting Marshall and Snelgrove's, bearing away the entire stock of driving-gloves from Sleep's and subjecting Redfern's to the asphyxiating fumes of the Red Weed.

No sooner have they despoiled Whiteley's than they will advance upon Jay's and Marshall and Snelgrove's. It is impossible to stop them. There is no safety from the Tea-Tray and the Red Weed but in instant flight." That night the world was again lit by a pale pink flash of light. It was the Fifth Crinoline.

But you don't suppose I'm going to stay an old maid all my life to please Victor and Lavinia." "I haven't thought about it at all," Mamma said. "They have. I know what they're thinking. But it's all settled. I'm going to Marshall and Snelgrove's for my things. There's a silver-grey poplin in their window. If I decide on it, Caroline, you shall have my grey watered silk."

Having been ordered to wait outside Marshall and Snelgrove's on Tuesday morning, however, the two ladies whom he had driven from Eccleston Square kept him so long that he took Monday's 6.30 edition of the Evening News from beneath his seat. Happening to glance through the advertisement colums, his attention became presently arrested by the offer of Five Pounds reward.

The breakers were appalling, and the boat was turned round with her bow pointing seaward, and `backed' I think they called it toward the shore. The sea broke over us several times, half filling the boat; but two men were kept constantly baling with buckets, and at length thanks to Mr Snelgrove's admirable management we safely reached the beach, but wet to the skin as a matter of course.

Blanc-mange going round the table, quivering and shaking and squelching under the spoon. "There's a silver-grey poplin," said Aunt Charlotte, "at Marshall and Snelgrove's." The blanc-mange was still going round. Mamma watched it as it went. She was fascinated by the shivering, white blanc-mange.

Then one day a great temptation a new thought assailed her, and she fell. She was passing Marshall and Snelgrove's, about twelve o'clock in the morning, when the broad pavement is most thronged with shopping ladies and idlers of both sexes, when out of the door there came a majestic-looking elderly lady, followed by two young ladies, her daughters, all very richly dressed.

Everything seemed stupid and tiresome; the hum of voices wearied me; the showroom at Marshall and Snelgrove's seemed a confused Babel, everywhere strange voices, a hubbub of sound, tall figures in black passing and repassing, strange faces reflected in endless pier-glasses, faces of puckered anxiety repeating themselves in ludicrous vrai-semblance. I saw our own little group reproduced in one.