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Pouch, to send the girl's character without delay; otherwise another young woman will be sought for elsewhere, as Lady Seymour's children cannot remain without their dinners because Lady Shuckburgh, keeping a 'professed cook and a housekeeper, thinks a knowledge of the details of her establishment beneath her notice.

"Lady Seymour presents her compliments to Lady Shuckburgh, and would be obliged to her for the character of Mary Stedman, who states that she lived twelve months, and still is, in Lady Shuckburgh's establishment. Can Mary Stedman cook plain dishes well? make bread? and is she honest, good-tempered, sober, willing, and cleanly?

Mont Blanc, above the level of the Mediterranean, according to Sir G. Shuckburgh 15,662 Ditto, according to M. de Luc 15,302 1/3 Mount Caucasus 15,000 Etna, according to M, de Saussure 10,700 Teneriffe 10,954 The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben-Nevis, 4,337 feet. In Wales, Snowdon, 3,555. In England, Ingleborough, 3,200 feet. In Ireland, Croagh Patrick, 2,666.

Sir George Shuckburgh has since treated this casuistical problem more elaborately: but Bishop Gibson it was, who, in his Chronicon Preciosum, first broke the ice.

To this note was appended a pen-and-ink vignette by Lady Seymour representing the three "little Shuckburghs," with large heads and cauliflower wigs, sitting at a round table and voraciously scrambling for mutton chops dressed by Mary Stedman, who was seen looking on with supreme satisfaction, while Lady Shuckburgh appeared in the distance in evident dismay.

A crushing rejoinder closed this correspondence: "Madam, Lady Shuckburgh has directed me to acquaint you that she declines answering your note, the vulgarity of which is beneath contempt; and although it may be the characteristic of the Sheridans to be vulgar, coarse, and witty, it is not that of a 'lady, unless she happens to have been born in a garret and bred in a kitchen.

They believed, however, that their best chance of reducing the garrison was by a failure of provisions sufficient for so large a number as were within the town; they therefore relied upon this hope, and with their ships tried to cut off their supplies by sea, and with their army by land. Translated by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh.

While he has suffered from the fate of all imitators, his work is "of the highest value to the historian, as a long series of approving critics has amply shown." Translated by Evelyn S. Shuckburgh.

There is a bright crater of considerable size on the S.W., which is said to be more than 6000 feet in depth, and, according to Neison, is visible as a white spot at full. There is a smaller crater on the slope of the N.W. wall. SHUCKBURGH. A square-shaped enclosure on the N. of the last, with a comparatively low border. It has a conspicuous crater at its N.W. corner.

But Sheridan's granddaughter was quite the wrong subject for these experiments in fine-ladyism, and she lost no time in replying as follows: "Lady Seymour presents her compliments to Lady Shuckburgh, and begs she will order her housekeeper, Mrs.