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But this industry was only occasional and accidental. Speedily he relapsed again into slothfulness and self-indulgence. People of note and fashion at one time thronged Mr. Sherwin's studio. It was his boast, that from five to five-and-twenty of the most beautiful women in London were to be seen every spring morning at his house.

It is proper to state, however, that Mr. Smith, his pupil, has recorded a less melancholy account of Sherwin's death, which took place, he says, 'at the house of the late Mr.

GRAY steel that seems unmoving because it spins so fast in the balanced fly-wheel, gray snow in an avenue of elms, gray dawn with the sun behind it this was the gray of Vida Sherwin's life at thirty-six.

'Will you want anything more, do you think, for an hour? she asked. Her husband looked up over his little table. 'Is Alice going with you? 'Oh yes; poor child, she looks so pale and miserable. We are going to Mrs Sherwin's, and then on to Church. You will lock your door? 'Yes, I will lock my door. 'And I do hope Arthur nothing rash!

Why, General Sherwin's a perfect gentleman, Colonel Halkett interjected; and Lord Palmet caught the other name: 'Jenny? That's Miss Denham, Jenny Denham; an amazingly pretty girl: beautiful thick brown hair, real hazel eyes, and walks like a yacht before the wind. 'Perhaps, colonel, Jenny accounts for the defence of society, said Captain Baskelett.

Was this one of Prof. Sherwin's unfinished tunes? Would he meet it again in heaven?

Now, let us see what others, who were impartial, disinterested eye-witnesses of the affair, let us hear what they say upon the subject; for no one, perhaps, can be a thoroughly fair judge of the question who was not present. I will here insert an extract from a letter, signed "Leonidas," and published in Sherwin's Register, on the 26th of December, 1818.

Despite Vida Sherwin's lively blue eyes, if you had looked at her in detail you would have found her face slightly lined, and not so much sallow as with the bloom rubbed off; you would have found her chest flat, and her fingers rough from needle and chalk and penholder; her blouses and plain cloth skirts undistinguished; and her hat worn too far back, betraying a dry forehead.

Miss Sherwin's trying to repair the holes in this barnacle-covered ship of a town by keeping busy bailing out the water. And Pollock tries to repair it by reading poetry to the crew! Me, I want to yank it up on the ways, and fire the poor bum of a shoemaker that built it so it sails crooked, and have it rebuilt right, from the keel up." "Yes that that would be better. But I must run home.

Carol was retorting, "But a maid does it for strangers, and all she gets out of it is the pay " Their eyes were hostile. Four of them were talking at once. Vida Sherwin's dictatorial voice cut through, took control of the revolution: "Tut, tut, tut, tut! What angry passions and what an idiotic discussion! All of you getting too serious. Stop it!