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And there was afterwards writ a proper and careful treatise, and did set out that there did be ruptures of the Aether, the which did constitute doorways, as those more fanciful ones did name them; and through these shatterings, which might be likened unto openings there being no better word to their naming there did come into this Particular Condition Of Life, those Monstrous Forces Of Evil, that did dominate the Night, and which many did hold surely to have been given this improper entrance through the foolish and unwise wisdom of those olden men of learning, that did meddle overfar with matters that did reach in the end beyond their understanding.

You imagine, I suppose, that I think of life as something that is going to give me happiness, to fulfil sentimental, girlish dreams. You are mistaken. I have known bitter disappointments, bitter losses, bitter shatterings of hope. But life is wonderful and beautiful to me because we can be our best and do our best in it, and for it, if we try.

It's you whose life is shattered!" broke from him with a sob. For a long while she stood silent above him, her hands enfolding his, as though she comforted his grief. He found himself at length kissing the gentle hands, with tears, and then, caressing his bent head with a light touch, she said: "Don't you see that the time has come for me to accept shatterings as in the order of things, dear Jack?

Of the massacre of the priests and priestesses in the Cyclopean temple; of the flashing forth of the summoning lights by unseen hands followed by the tearing of the rainbow curtain, by colossal shatterings of the radiant cliffs; the vanishing behind their debris of all trace of entrance to the haunted place wherein the hordes of the Shining One had slaved the sealing of the lair!

Stars burn out, there have been violent convulsions, shocks and shatterings in the heavens, and a time comes, as even physical science predicts, when 'the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, but that to which they witnessed shall endure, 'My salvation shall be for ever, and My righteousness shall not be abolished. The created lights grow dim and die out, but in 'the Father of lights' is 'no variableness, neither shadow that is cast by turning.

Next, there are the notorious effects of deforestation. An old man told me that in his early days the hill was covered with timber indeed, this whole land, now a stretch of rolling grassy downs, was decently wooded up to a short time ago. Deforestation would also cause the waters to issue at a lower level. Lastly, and chiefly the possible shatterings of earthquakes.

The German poet, by the way, visited this town shortly after the disaster of 1783, and describes its zackige Ruinenwueste words whose very sound is suggestive of shatterings and dislocations. Nevertheless, the place revived again. But what was 1783? A mere rehearsal, an amateur performance.