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A fortiori those attributes which are not constant even in the same individual, as, to be in one or in another place, to be hot or cold, sitting or walking, must be ranked as separable accidents. One necessary part of the theory of Names and of Propositions remains to be treated of in this place: the theory of Definitions.

So the child with the same wooden bricks will build a wall, then strew them on the table; then a tower, then strew once more, and so ever with the same bricks. But then our individuality? I often wonder whether something of that wilt cling to our atoms whether the dust of Johnnie Munro will ever have something of him about it, and be separable from that of Bertie Swanborough.

These are questions of detail, which, however important, are separable in thought and in decision from the general fact stated that Ladysmith, being a railroad crossing, the only very important one on the Natal theatre of operations, was necessarily a strategic point not lightly to be surrendered.

As to my preaching, that could not have had much reality in it of any kind, for I had no experience yet of the relation of Christian Faith to Christian Action. In fact, I regarded them as separable not merely as distinguishable, in the necessity which our human nature, itself an analysis of the divine, has for analysing itself.

The more rigid objects, in common with the individuals of other useful arts, while their shape still accords with their functional office, exhibit attributes of form generally recognized as pleasing to the mind, which are expressed by the terms grace, elegance, symmetry, and the like. Such attributes are not separable from functional attributes, but originate and exist conjointly with them.

"I believe that I have a soul endowed with thinking capacities, but I do not know whether I shall remember that I had the honour of dining with you to-day after I die." "Then you think that the soul and the memory may be separable; but in that case you would not be a theologian."

She said: "I can pity you." "Can you look back to the day of your marriage? Can you remember the words which declared the union between you and your husband to be separable only by death? Has he treated you with brutal cruelty?" "Never!" "Has he repented of his sin?" "Yes." "Ask your own conscience if there is not a worthier life for you and your child than the life that you are leading now."

All nations and governments know and understand that to exclude Christian education from the schools is to exclude it from their law, legislature, courts, and public and private manners. It should, then, ever be borne in mind that religion, though distinguishable, is never separable from true civil and political science and philosophy.

I have been wondering whether he could profitably ask of me some record of my experiences in the official and scientific company with which I was honored that day at the Campidoglio; but I should have to offer him again a sort of composite psychograph of objects printed one upon another and hardly separable in their succession.

On Solidity depend Impulse, Resistance and Protrusion. By this idea of solidity is the extension of body distinguished from the extension of space: the extension of body being nothing but the cohesion or continuity of solid, separable, movable parts; and the extension of space, the continuity of unsolid, inseparable, and immovable parts.