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A big schooner-load of lumber has just arrived, with a few workmen, to begin at once rearing the new hospital and the house the Grants are to build for themselves. I am alone now, for the beautiful Snowbird has gone away, followed by fervent wishes for her safe journey home.

Most catastrophic of all, however, was the fact that Dag Daughtry was three quarts short of his daily allowance and did not dare break into the rent money which was all that stood between him and his family and the street. This was why he sat at the beer table with Captain Jorgensen, who was just returned with a schooner-load of hay from the Petaluma Flats.

It was pretty satisfactory, considering the short time I had been on the island; for with my salary of ten pounds a month, and the five per cent, commission I was allowed on all the goods I sold, there were over three hundred pounds due to me. Of course I had had a big pull over Krause, whose stock of trade was almost exhausted when I landed, whilst I had come ashore with half a schooner-load.

"He's got a fortune in pearls, saved up for years and years, and he sent the word out weeks ago that he'd auction them off to the buyers to-morrow. See those schooners' masts sticking up inside the lagoon?" "Eight, so I see," said Hermann. "What are they doing in a dinky atoll like this?" the supercargo went on. "There isn't a schooner-load of copra a year in the place.

"Right, the first guess!" laughed Gregory, "there's where I've been!" and in the cabin he explained all. "The fiddle's mended," he concluded. "You can play a tune on it by being careful." "But what's your tune?" asked his hearer; "you cannot go back to that island." "Yes, I'll be on it in a week with a schooner-load of cattle. I can get them on credit.

He was beaten, surpassed, humbled. Still he said, "Come, don't you want this again? You needn't pay me for the use of it." But the Italian refused. He had outgrown his patron. A week afterward Richling saw him at the Picayune Tier, superintending the unloading of a small schooner-load of bananas. He had bought the cargo, and was reselling to small fruiterers.