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I twigged what you were after, and kept him up in talk about his horses and his ridin' till I saw you were fairly away. 'You did well, exclaimed Lord Scamperdale, patting Jack on the back; 'you did well, my old buck-o'-wax; and, by Jove! we'll have a bottle of port a bottle of port, as I live, repeated his lordship, as if he had made up his mind to do a most magnificent act.

Washball cantered up in apple-pie order. 'Wonders will never cease! observed Fossick, looking Washy over. So the field sat in a ring about the hounds in the centre of which, as usual, were Jack and Lord Scamperdale, looking with their great tortoise-shell-rimmed spectacles, and short grey whiskers trimmed in a curve up to their noses, like a couple of horned owls in hats.

Scamperdale shall keep our side of the country till you come; there are capital stables at Lucksford, close to the station, and you shall have a stall for your hack at Jawleyford, and a man to look after him, if you like; so now, don't say nay your time shall be ours we shall be at home all the rest of the winter, and I flatter myself, if you once come down, you will be inclined to repeat your visit; at least, I hope so.

'Couldn't, replied Jack, squinting frightfully. 'You'll oblige me, observed Lord Scamperdale. 'Ah, well, I'd do anything to oblige your lordship, replied Jack, thinking of the corner in the will. 'I'd do anything to oblige your lordship: but the fact is, sir, I'm not prepared to go.

Sponge, should he be worth having, and should the Scamperdale scheme fail; while Emily, having her mamma's assurance that he would not do for either of them, resigned herself complacently to what she could not help. Mr. Sponge, on his part, saw that all things portended a close.

So they kept playing at cross-purposes, without either getting much out of the other. Jawleyford's intimacy with Lord Scamperdale seemed to have diminished with propinquity, for he now no longer talked of him 'Scamperdale this, and Scamperdale that Scamperdale, with whom he could do anything he liked'; but he called him 'My Lord Scamperdale, and spoke of him in a reverent and becoming way.

Lord Scamperdale rode along, laughing in his sleeve at the idea of the pleasant evening Jack and Jawleyford would have together, occasionally complimenting Jawleyford on the cut and condition of his horse, and advising him to be careful of the switching raspers with which the country abounded, and which might be fatal to his nice nutmeg coloured trousers.

Although we have hitherto depicted Lord Scamperdale either in his great uncouth hunting-clothes or in the flare-up red and yellow Stunner tartan, it must not be supposed that he had not fine clothes when he chose to wear them, only he wanted to save them, as he said, to be married in.

When a lord is in distress, consolation is never long in coming; and Lord Scamperdale had hardly got over the first paroxysms of grief, and gathered up Jack's cap, and the fragments of his spectacles, ere Jawleyford, who had noticed his abrupt departure from the stand and scurry across the country, arrived at the spot.

Rallywood was by Old Lonsdale's " Old Lonsdale's! the snob! sneered Lord Scamperdale "Old Lonsdale's Palafox, out of Anson's " Anson's! curse the fellow, again muttered his lordship "out of Anson's Madrigal. Darling was by old Grafton's Bolivar, out of Blowzy.