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They found that the image of him which his presence with them had printed in light upon their souls, began to revive in the dark of his absence; and not that only, but that in looking at it without the overwhelming of his bodily presence, lines and forms and meanings began to dawn out of it which they had never seen before.

To those who believe, as I do, that a grievous wrong has been suffered, let me entreat that this arbitrament be abided in good faith, that no hindrance or delay be interposed to the execution of the law, but that by faithful adherence to its mandates, by honest efforts to revive the prostrate industries of the country, by obedience to the constituted authorities, we will show ourselves patriots rather than partisans in the hour of our country's misfortune."

I knew that madness was mixed up with my very blood, and the marrow of my bones! that one generation had passed away without the pestilence appearing among them, and that I was the first in whom it would revive.

It was that discontent supplied the motive force of this overthrow that and your awakening." "Yes?" Ostrog smiled. He became explicit. "We had to stir up their discontent, we had to revive the old ideals of universal happiness all men equal all men happy no luxury that everyone may not share ideas that have slumbered for two hundred years. You know that?

The principal object of the party, however, was to revive the action of the allotment- commission which had been practically suspended; the leaders seriously talked of removing the obstacles which the Italian allies interposed to the scheme by conferring on them the rights of citizenship, and the agitation assumed mainly that direction.

The sound seemed to revive Jerry, who, though nearly done up, again made an effort to push on. A few shots were fired at them by their disappointed pursuers, who might have guessed that they would soon be beyond their power.

Perhaps I may know more about her in a short time, for I intend going to C , where my uncle once lived, in order to see if I can revive under the rose since peers are only contraband electioneerers his old parliamentary influence in that city: and they may tell me more there than I now know." "Did the late lord marry at C ?" "No; in Devonshire. I do not even know if Mrs.

In a hundred play-bills the name "romantic" is profaned, by being lavished on rude and monstrous abortions; let us therefore be permitted to elevate it, by criticism and history, again to its true import. We have lately endeavoured in many ways to revive the remains of our old national poetry.

It was time for him to do so, and not until they were in the street did the wily Mascarin breathe freely. "Well, what do you say, now?" asked he. Paul's vanity had been so deeply wounded, and the effort that he had made to restrain himself so powerful, that he could only reply by a gasp. "He felt it more than I thought he would," said Mascarin to himself. "The fresh air will revive him."

It was no very hard task to revive the natural hopefulness of Minna's nature. Calculating the question of time in the days before railroads, I was able to predict the arrival of Fritz's letter in two, or at most three days more. This bright prospect was instantly reflected in the girl's innocent face. Her interest in the little world about her revived.