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In the previous as well as the following chapters the final judgment of Jehovah is pronounced upon the enemies of His chosen people. Satan is distinctly numbered among these enemies in I Chron. 21:1; and his record and judgment naturally appear in this list. Every sentence of this extended passage is a distinct revelation and is worthy of long and careful study.

We are better able now to separate that personal charm felt from direct contact with the man, which almost hypnotized those who knew him, from the more abiding charm which is in his writings: the revelation of a character the most attractive of his generation.

A touch answered me. It was as if a hand unseen had taken my hand had raised it, little by little had left it, pointing to the thin brown path that wound toward me under the shriveled blades of grass. I looked to the far end of the path. The unseen hand closed on my hand with a warning pressure: the revelation of the coming danger was near me I waited for it. I saw it.

This is the statement of the Creed which we accept as a fair and accurate digest of the teachings of Revelation, respecting the primitive character of man, and his original righteousness.

The bird turned out to be an abstainer from the egg habit, and I'm told that the letters which passed between the two women were a revelation as to how much invective could be got on to a sheet of notepaper." "How ridiculous!" said Mrs. Sangrail. "Couldn't some of their friends compose the quarrel?"

She has created more sunshine this dismal day than we have had in the house since I've been here. Is not that face there a revelation?" "A revelation of what?" she asked with rising color. "Of the possibilities of the human face to grow in beauty and power, if kindled by a noble and animating mind.

We have now considered revelation with regard to the conditions under which it may be expected to be given, recorded, and transmitted, with a view to its being accepted and believed.

It may, however, be argued, that, although such evidence, as has been indicated, might well convince those who had time and ability to institute a searching examination, the case is different with regard to others; and that, as a revelation may be presumed to have a most important bearing upon the interests of all, there should be some more easy method by which it may be tested.

"You know that when I ask, it is because I want to know what you know, so that I may feel as you feel. You know that, don't you? "I know it when you tell me, wonderful Rosalie." What a revelation it was, this transmuting power, which could change mortal dross into the coin of immortal wealth! "I want to ask you," she said, "who was Kathleen?"

But it then becomes an effective ally by exposing the false show of demonstration, or by evincing the equal demonstrability of the contrary from premises equally logical . The understanding meantime suggests, the analogy of experience facilitates, the belief. Nature excites and recalls it, as by a perpetual revelation.