United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They think there's some secret place here, where the goods are stored and reshipped. That's why so many detectives are here. They are after the smugglers hot-footed." Tom Swift dropped the tool he was using, and came over to where Ned stood, his chum having vaulted in through the open window. "Ned," said the young inventor, "there's something queer about this business."

What is the reason, our Government asked, that these gentle and unwarlike inhabitants of the Bahamas have so suddenly developed such an enormous appetite for percussion caps, rifles, cannon, and other instruments of warfare? The answer, of course, lay upon the surface; the cargoes were intended for reshipment into the Southern States, and they were, in fact, immediately so reshipped.

Here's a load of stuff for Bonneville that can't stop at Bonneville, where it is consigned, but has got to go up to San Francisco first BY WAY OF Bonneville, at forty cents per ton and then be reshipped from San Francisco back to Bonneville again at FIFTY-ONE cents per ton, the short-haul rate. And we have to pay it all or go without.

Five hundred tons ingots reshipped." At this statement, Leonard turned and stared at Greer. "Reshipped! Reshipped! Holy cats, Farnol! Reshipped from here right here!" He jabbed a finger downward to indicate the spot in the dead Sargasso Sea occupied by the Minnie B. Greer shook his head dully. "But this is all the wildest " he made a helpless motion.

If, however, this was impracticable, it was manifestly best to load the animals last, so as to expose them for as short a time as possible to such murderous conditions. The mules, however, were loaded first, and held in the holds of the transports while troops were embarking. They began to die from heat and suffocation, and then they were unloaded and reshipped after the troops were on board.

The Orient line of steamers, whose principal business is with Australia, sends some of its ships here; and most steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental line, called the 'P. & O. for short, touch here. A great deal of freight had to be reshipped at Point de Galle for various ports of India. "The name was given to the place by the Portuguese, and its meaning is doubtful.

The women were reshipped to Barbados; and a law was straightway enacted which decreed the flogging and imprisonment of any of the "cursed sect of haeritics commonly called Quakers" who might come within the colony's jurisdiction. In the seventeenth century, it was agreed that, next to the Münster Anabaptists, the Quakers were of all dissenting sects the most pestilent and blasphemous.

The lawyers of the importers got busy, of course, but meanwhile the legislator had taken advantage of a special evening session, had the bill passed, and induced the governor to sign it, the act taking effect at once. This was exactly what Bok had been playing for. The aigrettes were now useless; they could not be reshipped to another State, they could not be offered for sale.