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And by way of compensation there will be beautiful regions of the earth specially set apart and favoured for children; in them the presence of children will remit taxation, while in other less wholesome places the presence of children will be taxed; the lower passes and fore hills of these very Alps, for example, will be populous with homes, serving the vast arable levels of Upper Italy.

Hargrave had not an opportunity of meeting me again in private for several weeks after this; but when he did meet me there was less of pride and more of touching melancholy in his manner than before. Oh, how he annoyed me! I was obliged at last almost entirely to remit my visits to the Grove, at the expense of deeply offending Mrs.

That in many cases men, for the sake of avoiding war, voluntarily remit pretensions, which force and arms would never compel them to forego."

The budget of 1861 showed a surplus of L2,000,000 over the estimated surplus, and proposed to remit the penny on the income tax, and to repeal the paper duty. Instead of being divided into several bills as in the previous year, the budget was presented as a whole all included in one.

'My husband writes me, that the people are filled with joy at finding that they can safely send their earnings, and secure the passage of their friends. In seven weeks he received L.3000 in gold-dust or cash, and confidently expects to remit L.15,000 within twelve months, and could collect double that sum if he were able to visit the diggings.

"Then, after all, you are actuated merely by selfishness, and remit payments in earthly dross, in 'filthy lucre, in order to collect your fees in a better currency, where thieves do not break through nor steal?"

The dwarf cried out, as if an asp had stung him. "Who dared to bid against such a mad stake?" "The Lady Hathor's son, Antef," answered Katuti, "who has already gambled away the inheritance of his fathers, in Thebes." "He will not remit one grain of wheat of his claim," cried the dwarf. "And Mena?" "How could my son turn to him after what had happened?

After their departure I continued at Cairo three years, more completely to indulge my curiosity in seeing all the wonders of Egypt. During that time I took care to remit money to the jewel-merchant, ordering him to keep my house for me; for I designed to return to Damascus, and reside there some years longer.

"Then beg Paulina to remit your house-rent; she will do so gladly." "No," said Hannah, decidedly. "The rent of this little house goes to benefit my poor people, and you know how badly they want it. What we give we lend to the Lord, and he taxes no man above his ability." Selene was now well, but the physician had said that no human skill could ever cure her of her lameness.

James Little and myself is at an end, oblige me with your address in Birmingham, that I may remit to you, half-yearly, as her agent, the small sum that has escaped bricks and mortar. "When her son comes of age, she will probably forgive me for declining to defraud him of his patrimony. "But it will be too late; for I shall never forgive her, alive or dead. "I am, sir, your obedient servant,