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She had posted the letter between six and seven with her own hands, and had then come trembling back to the inn, fearful that her uncle should discover what she had done before her letter should be beyond his reach. When she saw the mail conveyance go by on its route to Remiremont, then she knew that she must begin to prepare for her uncle's wrath.

"Let the clothes hang," ordered Girdel. They all crept softly to the stable and in about five minutes were on the street. Bobichel ran alongside Girdel. Suddenly he stopped and hurriedly said: "I hear the sound of horses' hoofs; we escaped just in time." The noise Bobichel heard really came from the policemen, who had hurried from Remiremont to Sainte-Ame and were now surrounding the Golden Sun.

"A man called Robeckal; he is a member of Girdel's troupe." "Good." The marquis took out a note-book, wrote a few lines, and then said: "Here, take this note, Simon, and accompany Robeckal at once to Remiremont. There you will go to the Count of Vernac, the police superintendent, and give him the note.

There are beautiful walks about Remiremont, and one especial path amid the fragrant fir-woods leads to a curious relic of ancient time a little chapel formerly attached to a Lazar-house. It now belongs to the adjoining farm close by, a pleasant place, with flower-garden and orchard. High up in the woods dominating the broad valley in which Remiremont is placed are some curious prehistoric stones.

And this map is also useful to show what route I followed for my first three days past Epinal and Remiremont up to the source of the river, and up over the great hill, the Ballon d'Alsace. I show the river valley like a trench, and the hills above it shaded, till the mountainous upper part, the Vosges, is put in black.

"To Remiremont? Ah, I see the gentlemen do not belong to the vicinity. To Remiremont is about two hours." "So much the better; we can get there then in the course of the afternoon." "That is a question," remarked Schwan. "How so? What do you mean?" "The road is very bad," he replied. "That won't be so very dangerous." "Oh, but the floods!"

"No, Mademoiselle," replied the latter, in a tone which announced that he had little hope. "Has a physician been sent for?" "To Remiremont, Epinal, everywhere." At this moment Aline uttered a cry of joy. Bergenheim had just stirred, brought to life, perhaps, by the pressure of his sister's arms.

The post left Granpere at about eight in the morning, taking all letters by way of Remiremont; and on the day following George's departure, the post took Marie Bromar's letter to M. Urmand. When it was gone, her state of mind was very painful. Then it was necessary that she should show the copy to her uncle.

"You were the one," said Mademoiselle de Corandeuil, "who was sent to Remiremont yesterday? Did you perform all the commissions that were given you?" "It is not among the impossibilities, Mademoiselle, that I may have neglected some of them," replied the old man, fearing to compromise himself by a positive affirmative. "Tell us, then, what you did."

Remiremont is charming. We do not get the creature comforts of Gerardmer, but by way of compensation we find a softer and more genial climate. The engaging little town is indeed one of nature's sanatoriums. The streets are kept clean by swift rivulets, and all the air is fragrant with encircling fir-woods. Like Gerardmer and La Bresse, however, Remiremont lies open to the sun.