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If I were to judge by that expression of popular opinion which the press pretends to convey, I should reply without hesitation that never in any other known age of the world have such pernicious principles been so prevalent "Qua terra patet, fera regnat Erinnys; In facinus jurasse putes." Sir Thomas More.

Lawrence a cross bearing the arms of France with the inscription Franciscus Primus, Dei gratia Francorum Rex regnat; and had followed up the pious act by kidnapping the king Donnacona, and carrying him back to France.

Nobody knew the words, I least of any; so we la-la-la'd through it, and when we parted for luncheon, we went down the crooked stairway arm in arm, still giving forth snatches of "Le Bon Roi Pomaré" in honor of our host: Mais, s'il aimait tant les plaisirs, Les chants joyeux, la vie en rose, Le plus ardent de ses désirs, Pour lui la plus heureuse chose, Fut toujours que l'humanité Regnât au sein de son Royaume; De même que l'Egalité Sous son modeste toit de chaume.

"Curia Romana, quae solebat et debet regi sapientia Dei, nunc depravatur.... Laceratur enim illa sedes sacra fraudibus et dolis injustorum. Pent justitia; pax omnis violatur; infinita scandala suscitantur. Mores enim sequuntur ibidem perversissimi; regnat superbia, ardet avaritia, invidia corrodit singulos, luxuria diffamat totam illam curiam, gula in omnibus dominatur."

These words are borrowed from the report of La Salle; see Thomassy, 14. A copy of the original of the Proces Verbal is before me. Shouts of Vive le Roi and volleys of musketry responded to his words. Then a cross was planted beside the column, and a leaden plate buried near it, bearing the arms of France, with a Latin inscription, Ludovicus Magnus regnat.

Hei, Domine, I beseech you, in nomine Patris, Filii, et Spiritus sancti, Amen, to restore unto us our bells: and God keep you from evil, and our Lady from health, qui vivit et regnat per omnia secula seculorum, Amen. Hem, hashchehhawksash, qzrchremhemhash. Verum enim vero, quandoquidem, dubio procul.