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For my own part, I hasten to say that, as one of the despised race of "reconcilers," not only is this idea no central position from which I will not retreat, but one which I should never think of occupying for one moment. But on the view of the periods, some such position must be taken up. This, therefore, cannot have been intended by the author of Genesis.

It is to this interpretation that Professor Huxley alludes when he says, in his first article, "There must be some position from which the reconcilers of Science and Genesis will not retreat some central idea the maintenance of which is vital, and its refutation fatal.... It is that the animal species which compose the water population, the air population, and the land population, respectively, originated during three successive periods of time, and only during those periods of time."

Perhaps the greatest of all the reconcilers of a thoughtful man to poverty and I speak from experience is the grand quiet it fills him with when the uncertainty of his life shows itself more than usual. As Springrove finished speaking, the bearers of the coffin went across a gravelled square facing the two men and approached a grim and heavy archway.

Neither doth he stand alone in this pitch, for among the sect of Formalists, is swarming a sect of Reconcilers, who preach and profess unity with the church of Rome in matters of faith.

How Bridlegoose relateth the history of the reconcilers of parties at variance in matters of law.

Is anything more needed for complete portraiture, any added touch to the picture? Yes what the world is to them, what are its wages for such work, what its perception of such characters. Their relations to it are those of peace-bringers, reconcilers; its to them are those of hostility and dislike. Blessed are the persecuted for righteousness' sake.

Gladstone's defence in which I seem to discover a design to rescue his solemn "plea for revelation." But a great deal of the "Proem to Genesis" remains which I would gladly pass over in silence, were such a course consistent with the respect due to so distinguished a champion of the "reconcilers."

These Reconcilers are too far on in the way to Popery already; but if they will be fully reconciled with Papists, they must transport themselves altogether into their tents, because Papists will not come forth to meet them midway. The Interim of Germany tended to reconciliation, yet the Papists wrote against it. Cassander sought this reconciliation, but Bellarmine confuteth his opinion.

Thus we perceive what prejudice hath arisen, and yet ariseth to the true and saving doctrine, by the means of symbolising with the church of Rome in these ceremonies. I will therefore show, that Reconcilers are set forward in their course of reconciliation, by means of the Roman rites remaining in reformed churches.

Why are they fanatics, Sisyphus-labourers, and what not? Yet all "reconcilers" are ridiculed or denounced at any rate are contemptuously dismissed. Can it be that the professor has for the moment overlooked one very simple fact?