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"If you go near that window or scream," whispered the rat-like one, "I'll shoot!" A heavy voice, speaking suddenly from the doorway, shook Miss Farrar's jangled nerves into fresh panic. "She won't scream," said the voice. In the door Miss Farrar saw the bulky form of the sergeant, blocking her escape.

Her instinct was to scream and run, but her throat had tightened and gone dry, and her limbs trembled. Opposite the door was her dressing-table, and reflected in its mirror were the features and figure of the rat-like soldier. His back was toward her. With one hand he swept the dressing-table. The other, hanging at his side, held a revolver.

Many a splendid historical figure is made to show its teeth, and rat-like mien and propensities, through all the splendour of its disguises, merely by the application of his simple philosophical tests.

"Old man named Eben Joyce was just run over. They carried him into my house and he sent me to look for you." "How did you come to recognize me in the street?" demanded Billy, feeling a strong distrust of the stranger, who had little rat-like eyes and a furtive manner.

In the trias we get the first remains of mammalian life in the shape of tiny rat-like animals, marsupial in type, and closely related to the banded ant-eaters of New South Wales at the present day.

From his revolver came a report that shook the room, a flash and a burst of smoke, and through it Miss Farrar saw Lathrop hurl himself. He dived at the rat-like one, and as on the foot-ball field he had been taught to stop a runner, flung his arms around the other's knees.

For a breath there was stillness, then pandemonium a sudden burst of action following on a moment of paralysis, an explosion of sound and movement. It all came together the breaking in of the door, the rat-like rush of the men, the crash of falling furniture, of shivered glass, of dark, scrambling figures, and the blinding flash of a revolver.

Not that the company advertised itself, mark you. Being wild company, it would not; but they knew it was there. The chain-trail of the moorhen reduplicated itself. It was joined by that of a water-rail they saw his ruby eyes and rat-like form in passing.

"You can let that boy go," said the doctor to Dan'l. "Let him go, sir?" cried the gardener, looking at both the gentlemen in turn. Sir James nodded. Bob, whose eyes had been rat-like in their eager peering from face to face, whisked himself free, darted to the end of the platform, and uttered a loud yell before he disappeared.

The little rat-like man nodded, and ran from them down the road. The sergeant made an awkward gesture of apology. "Excuse me, lady," he begged, "but it makes me hot when them rookies won't obey orders. You see," he ran on glibly, "I'm a reg'lar; served three years in the Philippines, and I can't get used to not having my men do what I say." Miss Farrar nodded, and started toward the house.