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Mix up a quantity of strongest soap-lees with quicklime, to the consistence of milk, and lay it on the stone, &c., for 24 hours; clean it afterwards with soap and water, and it will appear as new. This may be improved by rubbing or polishing it afterwards with fine putty powder and olive oil. This is a beautiful article for cleaning marble monuments, &c.

"Khizab" a paste of quicklime and lamp-black kneaded with linseed oil which turns the Henna to a dark olive. It is hideously ugly to unaccustomed eyes and held to be remarkably beautiful in Egypt. "benefits"; also the name of Mohammed's Mu'ezzin, or crier to prayer, who is buried outside the Jabiah gate of Damascus.

To lessen the danger of an epidemic the bodies were buried as quickly as possible in quicklime. On Sunday, the 15th, the searchers at Ottejano were surprised at finding two aged women still alive, after six days' entombment in the ruins. They were among those who had been buried by the falling walls a week before.

Far below, a white-haired woman, her toothless jaws uttering one weird chant after another, was digging for him a quicklime grave, in the insane belief that she was aiding in accomplishing some miracle of immortality. In time and Fairchild did not know how long an evil-visaged, scar-faced man would return to help her carry the inert frame of the unconscious man below and bury it.

Dressed stone from the walls at Uxmal, Palenque, and elsewhere in Yucatan and Central America should be proved by applying the square to find whether a level surface and a true angle were formed upon them. It should also be ascertained whether the walls are truly vertical, and also whether they had learned to make a mortar of quicklime and sand.

In this case, falling away like quicklime, it had left the lip of the invert alone to support the pressure of the arch above, and hence its springing inwards and upwards. Mr. Stephenson directed the attention of the visitors to the completeness of the arch overhead, where not the slightest fracture or yielding could be detected.

There are a great many other ways of showing that chalk is essentially nothing but carbonic acid and quicklime. Chemists enunciate the result of all the experiments which prove this, by stating that chalk is almost wholly composed of "carbonate of lime." It is desirable for us to start from the knowledge of this fact, tho it may not seem to help us very far toward what we seek.

The heat latent in that liquid, and necessary to keep it a liquid, is no longer necessary and comes out, and the substance appears to become hot. Quicklime is a cold, white, solid substance, but there is a compound of water and lime slaked lime which is also a solid powdery substance, called by the chemist, hydrate of lime.

In vain did the garrison shower arrows and cross-bow bolts among them, and pour down burning oil and quicklime upon them as they thronged at the foot of the wall. In vain were the ladders, time after time, hurled back loaded with men upon the mass below.

If you pass the same carbonic acid over the very quicklime thus obtained, you will obtain carbonate of lime again; but it will not be calc-spar, nor anything like it. Can it, therefore, be said that chemical analysis teaches nothing about the chemical composition of calc-spar?