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I am sure you will succeed on Poorland Farm, just as confident as any one can be in advance of actual achievement; and I expect to see the time when Richland Farm will be a more appropriate name. I only wish you could see my alfalfa. I have been seeding more every year and now have sixty acres. It has come through winter in fine condition and it will be a fine sight by Easter.

WHEN Percy and his mother reached Poorland Farm in March they found a small frame house needing only shingles, paint, and paper to make it a fairly comfortable home, until they should be able to add such conveniences as Percy knew could be installed in the country as well as in the city.

P.S. Three big oil wells, belonging to the class called "gushers," have been struck about seven or eight miles from Poorland Farm. We are all getting interested except Percy.

Very sincerely yours, No one realized more than Percy Johnston that toleration of life itself was possible to him only because of the world of work that he found always at hand in connection with his abiding faith and interest in the upbuilding of Poorland Farm.

Keep in mind that Poorland Farm is near Heart-of-Egypt, and that this is the common soil of our "Egyptian Empire," which contains more cultivable land than all New England, has the climate of Virginia, and a network of railroads scarcely equalled in any other section of this country, and in addition it is more than half surrounded by great navigable rivers.

By referring to the invoice of your most common land, you will see that Westover is richer in phosphorus, in magnesium, and in calcium, than Poorland Farm. But, while your soil contains a half more of that rare element phosphorus, ours contains a half more of the abundant element potassium.

Blue Mound, Va. MY DEAR SIR: I have delayed writing to you in regard to the plans for Poorland Farm, until I could feel that we are able at least to make an outline of tentative nature. I realize that to rebuild in my life what another has torn down during his life is a task the end of which can hardly be even dimly foreshadowed.

Some have spoken to Percy about the coal right, but he says if there are ten thousand tons of coal per acre under Poorland Farm, he will save it for Charles Henry before he will allow anyone else to take it out for less than ten cents a ton.

Hay was bought from a neighbor and some old hay that had been discarded by the balers, who had purchased, baled, and sold the previous hay crop from Poorland Farm, Percy gathered up and saved for bedding.

As for me, I shall simply take the results which prove profitable on the accurately conducted experiment fields of the University of Illinois, one of which is located only seven miles from Poorland Farm, and on the same type of soil, I shall try to profit by that positive information, and await the accumulation of conclusive data relating to tile-drainage and other possible improvements of uncertain practicability for "Egypt."