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I consult my long experience; and I implore you to invite Eve. Ha! you smile; your lost gaiety returns, and you feel it as I do. Might I propose another glass of claret, and the reappearance on the table of the Tourne-dos a la poivrade?" It was impossible to be melancholy in this man's company. Amelius sanctioned the return of the Tourne-dos, and tried the other glass of claret.

Poivrade resembles piquante sauce very closely, differing from it, however, by the addition of wine and higher flavoring.

Kluskis of Cream Cheese. Serve hot, with a spoonful of poivrade sauce on each. Cold Cheese Soufflés. Grate one and a half ounces of Gruyère cheese; the same of Parmesan. Whip half a pint of cream and a gill of aspic jelly to a high froth; stir in the cheese; season with salt, cayenne, and made mustard to taste.

The pulp of red beet-root passed through a sieve and added to white sauce or mayonnaise gives a beautiful red tint; but the flavor, while excellent for a salad or as vegetable sauce, would be unsuitable for serving with fish. Grenadines of Beef with Mushrooms and Poivrade Sauce. Take as many slices of fillet of beef, cut three quarters of an inch thick, as you require.

"And may I take the liberty of expressing my sentiments freely?" "Of course you may." "Dear sir, you have a pretty little simple dinner to-day," Toff began. "Forgive me for praising myself, I am influenced by the natural pride of having cooked the dinner. For soup, you have Croute au pot; for meat, you have Tourne-dos a la sauce poivrade; for pudding, you have Pommes au beurre.

It has been already stated that the family of brown sauces, like the white, have one parent, Espagnole, or Spanish sauce, which is the foundation for Châteaubriand, Financière, Robert, Poivrade, Piquante, and other sauces.

POIVRADE SAUCE. Pick the skins of twelve shalots, chop them small, mix with them a table-spoonful of veal gravy, a gill and a half of vinegar, half an anchovy pressed through a fine sieve, and a little salt and cayenne. If it is to be eaten with hot game, serve it up boiling: if with cold, the sauce is to be cold likewise. Another way.

A true French poivrade has a soupçon of garlic, obtained by rubbing a crust on a clove of it, and simmering it in the sauce before straining it; but although many would like the scarcely perceptible zest imparted by this cautious use of garlic, no one should try the experiment unless sure of her company.

Tranche de melon 1 0 Artichaud a la poivrade 0 15 Raves et Radis 0 6 Salade de concombres 1 10 Thon marine 1 10 Anchois a l'huile 1 5 Olives 0 15 Pied de cochon a la Sainte-Menehould 0 12 Cornichons 0 8 Petit sale aux choux 1 5 Saucisses aux choux 0 18 1 Petit Pain de Beurre 0 4 2 OEufs frais 0 12 1 Citron 0 8 Rissole a la Choisy 1 0 Croquette de volaille 1 4 3 Rognons a la brochette 1 0 Tete de veau en tortue 2 5 Tete de veau au naturel 1 0 1 Cotelette de porc frais, sauce robert 1 0 Chou-Croute garni 1 10 Jambon de Mayence aux epinards 1 5