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I can't be always helping babies. Let Jack play two-hole cat or Anthony-over with the little fellows." To which answer Pewee assented, of course. That day at noon Riley came to Jack, with a most gentle tone and winning manner, and whiningly begged Jack to show him how to divide 770 by 14. "It isn't interesting to show greenhorns," said Jack, mimicking Riley's tone on the playground that morning.

"I'm not going to play Anthony-over," said Jack. "I'm going to show King Pewee a new trick." "You can't get up a game of bull-pen on your own hook, and play the four corners and the ring all by yourself." "No, I don't mean that. I'm going to show the boys how to play hat-ball a game they used to play on the Wildcat." "I see your point.

Then there are the plaintive singers, the soaring, ecstatic singers, the confident singers, the gushing and voluble singers, and the half-voiced, inarticulate singers. The note of the wood pewee is a human sigh; the chickadee has a call full of unspeakable tenderness and fidelity. There is pride in the song of the tanager, and vanity in that of the catbird.

Pewee had deserted him, and he was now an orphan, unprotected in an unfriendly world! Jack knew that the truce with so vain a fellow as Pewee could not last long, but it served its purpose for the time.

"Oh! you're not afraid of a girl?" said Susan. "What did you run away for, when you saw me? You know that Pewee won't fight a girl. You're afraid of anybody that Pewee can't whip." "You've got an awful tongue, Susan. We'll call you Sassy Susan," said Will, laughing at his own joke. "Oh, it isn't my tongue you're afraid of now. You know I can tell on you.

"I know that, and I feel like giving him one, or taking one myself, and I think I shall fight him before I've done. But father used to say that fists could never settle between right and wrong. They only show which is the stronger, and it is generally the mean one that gets the best of it." "That's as sure as shootin'," said Bob. "Pewee could use you up.

Look when one might, in the hottest sunshine or the heaviest rain, there sat the bird quite up out of the nest, head erect and eyes eagerly watching for intruders. The pewee, for all his tender and melancholy utterances, has a fiery spirit.

The fly-catchers are omnipresent in August, though their shy disposition makes them hard to identify. Hammond, olive-sided and western pewee are often seen, and at times the tall tree-tops are alive with kinglets. Some visitors complain that they do not often see or hear the warblers, but in 1905, one bird-lover reported seven common representatives.

"You haven't given us any table for the Wood Pewee," said Dodo, who always took great pleasure in writing in her little book. "I like to hear it, though I can't write it now." The Wood Pewee Length six and a half inches. Wings much longer than the tail, and feet very small.

The kingbird is the best dressed member of the family, but he is a braggart; and, though always snubbing his neighbors, is an arrant coward, and shows the white feather at the slightest display of pluck in his antagonist. I have seen him turn tail to a swallow, and have known the little pewee in question to whip him beautifully.