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Her hand still lay in his, on the edge of the mantelpiece, and while she gazed at the engraving she knew that he was looking at her and was moving nearer; she felt that he was going to kiss her, but she did not resist this time though the colour was rising in her throat, and just under the exquisitely shaped petal of peach-blossom on which his eyes were fixed, and which was really only the tip of her ear, though it was so like the leaf of a flower that the scent of the bloom came to his memory when his lips touched the spot at last.

"I shall sleep at High Barnet; I must address them there tomorrow on abstinence during the war." "As you please, sir. But try and 'ave a nap while we go along." And lifting Blink into the car, where she lay drenched and exhausted by excitement, with the petal of a purple flower clinging to her black nose, he mounted to his seat and drove off. Mr.

Her complexion is as pure as the dawn, touched now and then with a blush as delicate as the petal of a rose." "Absurd!" cried Jennie impatiently. "The complexion of a woman at a ball! Of course, she put it on for the occasion." "Of course," agreed the detective. "But that merely shows you how deeply in love he is. Lord Donal is quite a young man.

It was only the beginning of spring, and the real glory of the flower-beds was still hidden away in the hot-houses. But even the flowers along the avenues, and here and there in the flower-beds, were enough to make one feel, as one walked about the garden, as though one were in a realm of tender colours, especially in the early morning when the dew was glistening on every petal.

But the novel by comparison is like breakfasting in the open air on a summer morning; nothing is irrelevant if the waiter's mood is happy, and the tapping of the thrush upon the garden path, or the petal of apple-blossom that floats down into my coffee, is as relevant as the egg I open or the bread and butter I bite.

Where the great trees clouded into the sky she looked as little as a floating petal; but when she stepped upon the sward, she seemed to grow tall like an upward soaring flame. Though she walked with such courage towards the three slim lads her heart was beating fast, because she was afraid they would not be as noble as they looked.

And yet I could not help wondering how some that I saw could walk among their roses and still look so glum and matter-of-fact. I felt as if I could kiss every velvet petal. "You were unjust," I charged back on Conscience; "this morning proves that I am not an ingrained newsmonger.

Her little hand against my breast it is so warm and soft like a flower's curling petal, as delicate and as beautiful as a butterfly's wing. I never knew until now what life really meant."

Thus the term papilionaceous applied to a flower is employed to indicate, not only a resemblance to a butterfly, but a resemblance arising from five petals of a certain-peculiar shape and arrangement; and even if the resemblance were much stronger than it is in such cases, yet, if it were produced in a different way, as, for example, by one petal, or two only, instead of a ‘standard,’ two ‘wings,’ and a ‘keel’ consisting of two parts more or less united into one, we should be no longer justified in speaking of it as a ‘papilionaceous’ flower.”

I regarded the rose through the glass, and thereupon I knew, beyond doubt, that there was something phenomenal about the gem if gem it were. I could plainly trace the veins and texture of every petal. I suppose I looked somewhat startled.