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Glad to see yeh-glad to see yeh! Mrs. McIlvaine, come right in! Take a seat. Make yerself to home, do! And Mrs. Peavey! Wal, I never! This must be a surprise party. Well, I swan! How many more o' ye air they?" All was confusion, merriment, handshakings as Rose introduced them in her roguish way. "Folks, this is Mr. Howard McLane of New York.

The wedding supper was being laid on improvised tables in Bettie's side yard, with Judy Pike in command, seconded by Mrs. Peavey with her skirts tucked up out of possible harm and her mind on the outlook for any possible disaster, from the wilting of the jelly mold to a sad streak in the bride's cake, baked by the bride herself with perfectly happy confidence.

"Howdy, all," said Mrs. Peavey in an utterly gray tone of voice. "Mis' Mayberry, that Circuit Rider have never come from Bolivar yet. Do you reckon his horse have throwed him or is it just he don't care for us Providence folks and don't think it worth his while to come say the words over Sister Bostick?" "Oh, he come 'most a half-hour ago, Hettie Ann," answered Mother Mayberry quickly.

Peavey with uncompromising and combative frankness. "That I do," answered the Doctor's mother, and this time there was a note of dignity in her voice, as she looked her friend straight in the face.

Blow after blow came crashing straight for him, but the alert Irishman evaded them by the merest fraction of an inch. Two fearful swings from Peavey Jo followed each other in rapid succession, both of which McGinnis avoided by stepping inside them, his right arm apparently swinging idly by his side.

"Now, didn't I tell you about that slippery-ellum!" came in a positively triumphant voile to greet them as they stepped out of the front door. Mrs. Peavey was ascending the steps all out of breath, her decorous hat awry, and her eyes snapping with excitement.

We were down from the stars at once, but I saw nothing to laugh at, and said as much. "We might take them out some sandwiches and things to drink," persisted my Little Miss. But the starlight had shown me a gleam in her eyes that was too outrageously Peavey. "We will not" I chanted firmly to the music's mellowed accompaniment.

Peavey, continuing her lamentations over conditions in general, which they all knew would get to be over conditions in particular if something did not intervene to stop the tide of her dissatisfaction. "Divorces oughtn't to be allowed by the United States," answered Mrs. Pike decidedly.

She spoke as lightly of it as she should have done, but I could see that her own land pulled at her heart with every blast that shook her casements. No longer, however, was there even a second-cousin whose hospitality she was free to claim, for Colonel Lucius Quintus Peavey, C.S.A., now slept with his fathers in far-off Virginia, leaving behind him only traditions and a little old sherry.

Peavey if she should discover a failure to follow her directions. "It'll cure you, maybe," answered the gratified neighbor. "There's the bell and let's all go on slow and respectful."