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The prisoners were executed, the war-ships patroled the coast for a time, and everything became quiet.

There was no one to notice who she was or whither she went, save the old night-watchman who patroled the block. "Poor child!" he muttered, thoughtfully, looking after the retreating figure; "she's going out to hunt for that drunken old scapegrace of a father, I'll warrant. It's dangerous for a fine young girl with a face like hers to be on the streets alone at this hour of the night.

Although they saw but one man who patroled the wall with his musquet, and was indeed the only person in the post, they were deterred from making any attack, supposing it to be strongly guarded. This man knew well that the horses were guided, by the exact order they pursued, though he could see nothing of the riders till they were very near.

I reckon it won't be a pleasant meeting for Mr. Blackwell." "I'll be headed for Mexico. I tell you because you ain't liable to go around spreading the news. There's a horse saddled in the dip back of the hill crest. Get it?" "Fine," Cullison came back. "And you'll ride right into some of Bucky O'Connor's rangers. He's got the border patroled. You'd never make it." "Don't worry. I'd slip through.

So close was the blockade of the French ports, and so hopeless were the French of making headway in battle with their antagonists, that not only the great French three-deckers and two-deckers, but their frigates and sloops as well, lay harmless in their harbors, and the English ships patroled the seas unchecked in every direction.

She was sick with apprehension. "I guess I won't find my father and moth-er now," she whispered miserably. Then, all at once, she could see more than a face! Silhouetted against the lighted sky was a figure broad shouldered and belted, with swinging cudgel, and visored cap. It was like those dreaded figures that patroled the Drive yet how different!

The building of the railways will be to the caribou and to other big game the day of doom. In that wild, rough region, no power on earth, save that which might be able to deprive all the inhabitants and all visitors of firearms, can possibly save the game outside of a few preserves that are diligently patroled.

The law that old enemy patroled the streets now to keep them safe where once it had thrust them out into the larger universe. Outside still lay the broad avenues of dark where one heard strange passings; where one was in touch with the ungoverned. The rain sifted gently from the uncharted regions above. It was there lovers should be there where one could swing the shoulders and breathe deeply.

To hurt his pride the more, in every direction military squads with bayonets fixed were smartly fussing from one small domicile to another, hustling out the laggards and marching them to encampments on the public squares. Other squads of the Foreign Legion, appointed to remain behind in "armed neutrality" patroled the sidewalks strenuously, preserving order with a high hand.

France and England combined in an iniquitous conspiracy to destroy the Dutch Republic, and swooped down upon the coast with two hundred thousand men. The story has often been told how the Dutch, tenfold outnumbered, desperately and gloriously defended themselves. They finally swept the English from the seas, and patroled the Channel with a broom at the masthead.