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"Sam," said old man Ellison, stroking his white whiskers with a tremulous hand, "would you mind getting the guitar and playing that 'Huile, huile, palomita' piece once or twice? It always seems to be kind of soothing and comforting when a man's tired and fagged out." There is no more to be said, except that the title of the story is wrong. It should have been called "The Last of the Barons."

But you look kind of fagged out, Uncle Ben ain't you feeling right well this evening?" "Little tired; that's all, Sam. If you ain't played yourself out, let's have that Mexican piece that starts off with: 'Huile, huile, palomita. It seems that that song always kind of soothes and comforts me after I've been riding far or anything bothers me." "Why, seguramente, señor," said Sam.

Macdonald took her hand, the laughter dying out of his sober face. "That's all in the different ways of looking at a man, palomita," he said to her. "But you look bigger than sheriff to anybody!" she replied, indignation large in her heart.

I am now learning a little peasant song, the refrain being, 'Hula, tula, Palomita, and it does sound so beautiful that I repeat it over and over. It means, 'Fly, fly, little dove! "The fishing I do not care for much. It is exciting for a time, but soon grows a bit too strenuous for my lazy temper.

Then Carmen lifted her from the bed to her lap, and caressed her, and rocked her gently to and fro, as she had done many a night for Concha, murmuring, "Yo sere tu madre, angel mio, dulzura mia; sere tu madrecita, palomita mia!" Feliu re-appeared at the inner door: at a sign, he approached cautiously, without noise, and looked.

Many of the songs he sang were the weird, melancholy, minor-keyed canciones that he had learned from the Mexican sheep herders and vaqueros. One, in particular, charmed and soothed the soul of the lonely baron. It was a favourite song of the sheep herders, beginning: "Huile, huile, palomita," which being translated means, "Fly, fly, little dove."