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And he believed, what we now know to be the fact, that even before the Homeric there had been a wonderful island-culture, what we call the Minoan, flourishing before the Homeric. 'There had been kings before Agamemnon. And behind Minos and Agamemnon lay the great, and by that time the ossifying, kingdom of Egypt, compared to which the Greeks were, and felt themselves to be, but children.

This was what slavery could do, in the way of ossifying what one may call the superior lobe of human feeling; for these pilgrims were kind-hearted people, and they would not have allowed that man to treat a horse like that. I wanted to stop the whole thing and set the slaves free, but that would not do.

Chronic inflammation commonly results in new formations of tissue, and it is named according to the character of the new tissue formed, as ossifying, adhesive, and fibrous inflammation. Pus-forming bacteria produce suppurative inflammation. Such diseases as tuberculosis, glanders and hog-cholera are specific inflammations.

Swellings at the ends of the long bones, due to inflammation at the epiphysial junctions, are most often observed at the upper end of the humerus and in the bones in the region of the elbow. Partial displacement and mobility at the ossifying junction may be observed.

The periosteum of the diaphysis is easily separated hence the facility with which the pus spreads along the shaft; but in the region of the ossifying junction it is raised with difficulty because of its intimate connection with the epiphysial cartilage.

In the forearm or leg, where there are two parallel bones, if the growth of one is arrested the continued growth of the other results in a deviation of the hand or foot to one side. In certain diseases, such as rickets and inherited syphilis, and in developmental anomalies such as achondroplasia, dwarfing of the skeleton results from defective growth of bone at the ossifying junctions.

While they originate from the ossifying junctions of the long bones, they tend, as the shaft increases in length, to project from the surface of the bone at some distance from the ossifying junction and to "point" away from it. They may cause symptoms by "locking" the adjacent joint or by pressing upon nerve-trunks or blood vessels.

This arrangement favours the lodgment of any organisms that may be circulating in the blood, and partly accounts for the frequency with which diseases of bacterial origin develop in the region of the ossifying junction.

Shortening is not uncommon from interference with growth at the ossifying junction. Exaggerated growth in the length of a bone is rare, and has been observed chiefly in the bones of the leg.

You'll be another what's-his-name Ase Tidditt; that's what you'll be. I can see it coming on. You're ossifying; you're narrowing; you're " I broke in here. I didn't like to be called narrow and I did not like to be paired with Asaph Tidditt, although our venerable town clerk is a good citizen and all right, in his way. But I had flattered myself that way was not mine. "Stop it, Jim!" I ordered.