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I do not mean that it is probably true; to me all these overpowering optimisms which, by means of a few untested a priori postulates, affect triumphantly to disprove the most obvious facts of life, seem very soon to become meaningless. I conceive it to be no comfort at all, to a man suffering agonies of frostbite, to be told by science that cold is merely negative and does not exist.

But when we come back it will be with a knowledge of his ways, gained at a price, the price he, too, must have paid and we shall be able to stand up and look him in the face, and all our childish superstitions and optimisms shall have been burned away."

It needs salvation from its ignorance, its sin, its inefficiency, its apathy, its silly optimisms and its appalling carelessness.

I find a fine example of revolt against the airy and shallow optimism of current religious philosophy in a publication of that valiant anarchistic writer Morrison I. Swift. Mr. Swift's anarchism goes a little farther than mine does, but I confess that I sympathize a good deal, and some of you, I know, will sympathize heartily with his dissatisfaction with the idealistic optimisms now in vogue.

"The blood came from something else." He paused and watched the snow. "It is curious," he whispered aloud. "Then I am still mad. Careful ... mad. For there was blood ... and not mine. So it would seem I have been seducing myself with optimisms. A true madman. Yes, a lunatic mumbling excitedly to himself in the snow all night, saying: "Sane. Mallare is quite sane." He laughed softly. "Oh, yes.

He was content with the official report, and he had learned to wait for that document without impatience, foreseeing that with but few exceptions, it would say the same thing as the day before. The fever of the first months, with its illusions and optimisms, now appeared to Argensola somewhat chimerical. Those not actually engaged in the war were returning gradually to their habitual occupations.

The slightest change in the atmosphere of the globe will sweep away his species forever. Schopenhauer classified all religions as optimisms or pessimisms. The faith of the future will be neither. What is agreeable or disagreeable to man will not be its standard of the excellence of the universe.

But those intimates were the first to notice that as soon as he entered the room those optimisms of his were adroitly respected. She had various delicate contrivances for giving him the lead; she exercised a kind of surveillance over the topics introduced; or in conversation with him she would play that most seductive part of the cynic shamed out of cynicism by the neighborhood of the enthusiast.

But when we come back it will be with a knowledge of his ways, gained at a price, the price he, too, must have paid and we shall be able to stand up and look him in the face, and all our childish superstitions and optimisms shall have been burned away."

But when we come back it will be with a knowledge of his ways, gained at a price, the price he, too, must have paid and we shall be able to stand up and look him in the face, and all our childish superstitions and optimisms shall have been burned away."