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The kentry 'peared ter me ter bristle with Luke Todd; he 'minded me o' brumsaidge everywhar ye seen his yaller head, ez homely an' ez onwelcome." "I never wunst gin Luke a thought arter ye tuk ter comin' round the settlemint," Eugenia said, softly.

Pomper wuz round. The day wuz a tegus one to me, borne down as I wuz by the constrainin' atmosphere of a onwelcome and onlawful attachment. And it took all the principle I had by me to git up even a emotion of pity for the one-eyed watcher, whose only recreation seemin'ly durin' that long, long day wuz to watch our party as clost as any cat ever watched a rat hole, and to kinder hang round us.

"I thought mebbe you mout 'a' moved," said Tallow Dick mildly. "'Twouldn't never do fur me an' Bill yere to be totin' de remains to de wrong address. Been my experience dat nothin' ain't mo' onwelcome at a strange house 'en a daid nigger, especially one dat's about six feet two inches long an' all mussed up wid fresh mule tracks." "Huh!

The wimmen wuz workin' away all covered with chains and bangles and rings; Josiah looked on 'em engaged in that menial and onwelcome occupation, and sez he: "To see wimmen to work in the barnyard, Samantha, has put a new idee into my head." I never asked him what it wuz, but spozed it had reference to Philury and mebby me, but I shall never go into that work, never.

But though a picture of calmness on the outside, inwardly I wuz callin' almost wildly on my powers of memory, tryin' to think jest what Malviny had done, one of the immortal Children of the Abbey, when Lord Mortimer approached her with his onlawful suit, and I tried also to recall what the Mountain Mourner had done in like circumstances, but before I had half done interviewin' them heroines in sperit my mind wuz recalled into the onwelcome present by Mr.