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She crossed the room, mounted a chair, took down the precious box, dusted it tenderly with her handkerchief, looked within. Such broken odds and ends of his gamboge, his yellow ochre, his Indian ink of which he had prattled to his father, questioning whether carmine or vermilion should be used for the roofs of his absurd houses; if Prussian blue or ultramarine should be for his seas and skies.

Meanwhile a Bari boy arrived from Koorshid to act as my interpreter. The Bari chief was, as usual, smeared all over with red ochre and fat, and had the shell of a small land tortoise suspended to his elbow as an ornament. He told me "that all people were bad, both natives and traders, and that force was necessary in this country."

The blue of the gulf was of an extreme intensity in the parts not reflected by the sun; the coast appeared of ochre; although the houses had tawdry façades, all these discordant elements were now blended and interfused in subdued and exquisite harmony. The shrubbery was trembling rhythmically under the breeze.

Some of these men were fantastically painted with a groundwork ochre, on which had been drawn intricate wavy designs on the legs, like stockings, and varied stripes across the face. One particularly ingenious individual, stark naked, had outlined a roughly entire skeleton! He was a gruesome object!

The Long Island coast lay to port, a narrow band of ochre, and all about lay the heaving gray of mighty waters, in which the Fledgling was a black speck. Dan's hat was off and his red-gold hair was flying wild; his teeth were bared. He was always thus in a fight. This was one; a dandy a clinker! He gave the wheel another spoke and the Fledgling slued across a sea and smashed down hard.

They rarely attempted the human face or figure, and when they did were not so successful as in their animal work. They also painted on the walls of some of their caverns, with red and yellow ochre, carbon, and white chalk representations usually about one-third the size of nature of some of the most important animals of the chase.

Virgins wear their locks long, parted in the middle, and plaited in a multitude of hard thin pigtails: on certain festivals they twine flowers and plaster the head like Kafir women with a red ochre, the coiffure has the merit of originality.

The tiny stream, cold and clear, the vegetation, in a region otherwise barren-gray and burning, the arid Mojave with its blistering heat, the trees, the painted rocks, ochre, copper, bronze, red, gray, and dim lilac in the distances, the gracious shade, the little burro, half ludicrous, half pathetic in its stolid acceptance of circumstances, all had a charm for him that soothed and satisfied his restlessness.

There were few of the natives present who were not more or less marked with it, and it was no doubt, indicative of mourning. Some of the men, however, were painted with red and yellow ochre, with which it was evident to me they had besmeared themselves since our appearance, most likely in preparing for the combat in which they fancied they would be engaged.

Selincourt's coming which had induced her father's stroke, and now well, it was just the irony of fate, that what had been so terrible in perspective should bring such pleasure in reality. Jervis Ferrars came in quite early that evening, and suggested that Katherine should go with him to Ochre Lake, as he had some business at the Indian encampment, and wanted a companion.