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We must have come a mile already. Keep your eyes skinned, and give me a nudge if you see such a clump." But there was no need to keep my eyes skinned. At the next bend of the glade he and I caught sight of it simultaneously a clump of noble pines that would have challenged notice even had we not been searching for them. My heart stood still as I counted them. Yes; there were five!

He was a mighty proud and upperty man, but a whisper and a nudge can do the work, and little by little grandfather was pushed down and out. In my father's time they spoke louder they don' said how grandfather had sold the precious stuff before he came back; Lord, Sandy, I leave it to you, son, would he have come if he had done that low-down, mean trick?" "No!"

He woke to human contact. It was a nudge. "What are you doing?" "Oh," said Nawin while smiling. "I was just trying to stay out of your way." "You can go back to your seat now, I'm done." Nawin stood up and the dream, like flooding river water, receded back to its usual course. He shook his head and scoffed at the dream where a dim sense of reality persisted.

Sylvie, I'm much beholden t' ye for comin' so early, and helpin' t' lasses, but yo' mun come in t' house-place now, t' folks is gatherin', an' yo'r cousin's been asking after yo' a'ready. Molly gave her a nudge, which made Sylvia's face go all aflame with angry embarrassment.

Can't show you French cookery, you know, and your souffleys and glacys, and all that. Honest saddle o' mutton, and the grounds of old port. My father laid it down, and I take it up, eh?" And Trebooze gave a wink and a nudge of his elbow, meaning to be witty.

"Oh, no, let's stay," suggested Ruth. "We can save a little money by remaining here, and paying less rent." "Besides, we have such nice neighbors!" observed Alice, with a glance at the Dalwood apartments across the hall, at the same time giving Ruth a sly nudge. "Stop it!" commanded Ruth. "What do you mean, Alice?"

'Brother! in a louder key, and with a more vigorous nudge, 'have you forgotten your sacred obligations to the church, your position as a "'The church! echoed the tailor, all the blood of the MacGregor rising in his boots, with an oath that shocked the brother out of all hope 'What's the church to military matters?"

"I'll take you to a nice, quiet place, just suited to two home-loving folks like you," he replied, thinking he had paid us a compliment, and whipping up his ancient nag. Hildreth gave me a nudge and a merry look and it pleased me to see she still had her sense of humour left.

These did not trouble Maude, who often annoyed me by asking naive questions herself. I would nudge her. One afternoon when, with other compatriots, we were being hurried through a famous castle, the guide unwittingly ushered us into a drawing-room where the owner and several guests were seated about a tea-table.