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Updated: September 26, 2024

"Themistius vero, et Boethius, et Averrois Babylonius, cum Platone, sic numeros extollunt, ut neminem absque illis posse recte philosophari putent.

Reginald Scot, in the Discoverie of Witchcraft, says that the aforesaid exclamation of Fazio was the Paracelsian charm to drive away spirits that haunt any house. Cardan gives his impressions of musicians: "Unde nostra ætate neminem ferine musicum invenias, qui non omni redundat vitiorum genere.

And perhaps, therefore, the best condensation of the Jewish moral law is in the maxims of the priests, "neminem lædere" and "suum cuique tribunere." But all this granted, it becomes only the more plain that they are inadequate in the sphere of personal morality; that while they tell the magistrate roughly when to punish, they can never direct an anxious sinner what to do.

Suggested to Mr. Seward, what two months ago I suggested to the President, to put the commercial interests in the Mediterranean, for a time, under the protection of Louis Napoleon. I maintain the right of closing the ports, against the partisans of blockade. Qui jure suo utitur neminem lædit, says the Roman jurisconsult.

And perhaps, therefore, the best condensation of the Jewish moral law is in the maxims of the priests, 'neminem laedere' and 'suum cuique tribuere. But all this granted, it becomes only the more plain that they are inadequate in the sphere of personal morality; that while they tell the magistrate roughly when to punish, they can never direct an anxious sinner what to do.

. . . I read a letter of Cicero's to his friend Valerius, this morning, in which he urges him to come and see him, saying that he wants to have a pleasant time with him, tecum jocari,-and says, "When you come this way, don't go down to your Apulia," to wit, Cummington. Nam si illo veneris, tanquam Ulysses, cognosces tuorum neminem.

"It is not the educated classes alone, but the masses, peasant and artisan, land-owner and student, of whose aspirations, at least, it may be said, as it was said of the earliest and freest Russians, 'Neminem ferant imperatorem." Before the rise of the empire "the Russians lived as freemen and happy."

Incolarum neminem interdiu cerni: silere omnia haud alio quam solitudinum horrore. Eundemque noctibus micare crebris ignibus, Agipanum Satyrorumque lascivia impleri, tibiarum ac fistulae cantu tympanorumque et cymbalorum sonitu strepere. Libya interior. Vltra Atlantem Libya est interior ad Nigrum usque flumen, vastarum solitudinum, nunc desertum Sarra dicta. Athiopia et Troglodytica.

Multo autem eleuato paluere, ac perturbante oculos, et neminem permittente videre quae circa pedes erant, in praecipitium quod aderat profundissimae vallis alius super alium homines et equi sic incontinente portati corruerunt, quod alij alios conculcantes ab inuicem interemerunt non ex gregarijs tantum, sed ex clarissimis et intimis nostris consanguineis.

To the wilderness preacher, th' Evangelist says, The soldiers, too, thronged to repent of their ways, And had themselves christened in former days. Quid faciemus nos? they said: Toward Abraham's bosom what path must we tread? Et ait illis, and, said he, Neminem concutiatis; From bother and wrongs leave your neighbors free. Neque calumniam faciatis; And deal nor in slander nor lies, d'ye see?

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