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The Dutchman, Othmani informed him, was following in their wake, with Ali and some others aboard her, steering ever in the wake of the carack which continued to be navigated by the Nasrani dog, Jasper Leigh.

But Marzak felt that in this matter his mother was to be supported, whilst his detestation of this adventurer who threatened to usurp the place that should rightly be his own spurred him to mad lengths of daring. "When I take the seas with that dog-descended Nasrani," he answered hoarsely, "he shall be where rightly he belongs at the rowers' bench." "How?" It was a bellow of rage.

"There is thy son, O father of Marzak." "There is, O mother of Marzak." "And a man's son should be the partner of his soul. Yet is Marzak passed over for this foreign upstart; yet does this Nasrani of yesterday hold the place in thy heart and at thy side that should be Marzak's." "Could Marzak fill that place," he asked.

Moslems don't send Christmas cards or presents, and they don't get them, either. The Christians in Egypt are Coptic anyway, they don't celebrate Christmas the same way. So why would the airmail to Egypt be jammed?" Hassan spoke up. "It not so heavy. My brother is letter carrier, and he no work very hard on Nasrani holiday. Nasrani is what we call Christian."

"It is not I that say it, but his deeds," he answered sullenly. "I know of one deed no True-Believer could have wrought. If proof were needed of his infidelity he hath now afforded it in taking to himself a Nasrani wife. Asad frowned. Here was truth indeed, something that he had entirely overlooked.

Marzak interposed petulantly, to exclaim that already were there too many erstwhile Nasrani dogs in the ranks of the soldiers of the Faith, and that it was unwise to increase their number and presumptuous in Sakr-el-Bahr to take so much upon himself. Sakr-el-Bahr measured him with an eye in which scorn and surprise were nicely blended.

You boast yourself lord of life and death. A lie! Death is all that you can command." Quick steps came pattering up the stairs, and before he could answer her, before he had thought of words in which to do so, Ali confronted him with the astounding announcement that there was a woman below asking urgently to speak with him. "A woman?" he questioned, frowning. "A Nasrani woman, do you mean?"