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But not on that account are we to have no music-masters and no footmen. Let the hunting lady, however, avoid any touch of this blemish, remembering that no man ever likes a woman to know as much about a horse as he thinks he knows himself.

The same thing, we may presume a fortiori, would be done, at certain other stated times, with those produced within the royal domain itself. The music-master of the king would get the odes of each state from its music-master. But the feudal states were modelled after the pattern of the royal state. They also had their music-masters, their musicians, and their historiographers.

No, upon the whole, thought Lawrence Newt, he's not old enough to have a large family he is not married he has too delicate a nature to struggle with the world he was a gentleman in his own country; and he has, of course, it's only natural how could he possibly help it? he has fallen in love with Miss Waring. These music-masters and Italian teachers are such silly fellows.

Hither flock in summer the families who have established themselves in winter-quarters at Florence or Pisa; and here they soon get possession of all the cracked pianos, and strolling music-masters who come on speculation, and forthwith begin a series of screaming lessons, called singing, executed by English young women, studious of cheap accomplishments, to the infinite distress of all who pass by their open windows, at whatever hour!

Dante is the man I owe most to; he taught me more music than all my music-masters put together, and when I wrote my 'Otello, I would introduce those lines of Dante you know the song of the gondolier. My librettist would have it that gondoliers never sang Dante, and but rarely Tasso, but I answered him, 'I know all about that better than you, for I have lived in Venice and you haven't.

They told me, when I first returned, that I was to consider their sitting- room my sitting-room also, and to go there whenever I was not engaged in the schoolroom. This, however, I cannot do. In the daytime it is a public room, where music-masters and mistresses are constantly passing in and out; and in the evening, I will not, and ought not to intrude on M. and Madame Heger and their children.

He was so superior to the generality of country music-masters and they were so sensible of it, that they treated him rather as their chief than a brother musician. Having passed four or five days very agreeably at Bellay, we departed, and continuing our journey without meeting with any accidents, except those I have just spoken of, arrived at Lyons, and were lodged at Notre Dame de Pitie.

Then there had been the Italian music-masters, and the French teachers, very devoted, never missing a lesson, but also never missing Mrs. Simcoe, who presided over all instruction which was imparted by any Mentor under sixty. But when Hope grew older still and found Byron upon the shelves of the Library, his romantic sadness responded to the vague longing of her heart.