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I have seen the representation of people kneeling in a peculiar manner, with their right hand resting on the left shoulder sign of respect among the Mayas as among the inhabitants of Egypt in the act of worshiping the mastodon head; but I doubt if this can be said to be idol worship. Can and his family were probably monotheists.

At last the spirit is free, and the galling chains of the lusting and limited body are broken. But as pantheism is declining, such cases are growing fewer, and for the educated Hindus, now largely monotheists, the saving knowledge is rather a beatific vision of the Divine, only vouchsafed to minds intensely concentrated upon the quest and thought of God, and cut off from mundane distractions.

Thus we see that, although inculcating homage to a multitude of subordinate divinities, the ancient Astrolatry was only an apparent Polytheism; its enlightened votaries, recognizing the dogma of the unity of God, were in reality Monotheists, paying supreme adoration to the mythical genius of the Sun, to whom we will now direct attention.

They are, if we may so call them, passive monotheists.... The influence of the Hindu environment is as much perceptible in them as that of the Christian environment." Professor Max Müller and Sir M. Monier Williams are of the same opinion. "The educated classes look with contempt upon idolatry.... A complete disintegration of ancient faiths is in progress in the upper strata of society.

One may be described as polytheistic pantheism. Most Hindus are apparently polytheists, that is to say they venerate the images of several deities or spirits, yet most are monotheists in the sense that they address their worship to one god. But this monotheism has almost always a pantheistic tinge.

Ovid tells, that when he prayed for the soul of Anchises, the custom was strange in Italy. 'Hunc morem Aeneas, pietatis idoneus auctor Attulit in terras, juste Latine, tuas. The 'Biblicae' Sortes, which I have seen consulted on the altar, are a parody on the 'Sortes Virgilianae. Our numerous altars in one church are heathen: the Jews, who are monotheists, have but one altar in a church.

Tylor asserts "that no savage tribe of monotheists has ever been known," but that all ascribe the attributes of deity to other beings than the Almighty Creator, it appears in fact that many of the rudest savages "are as monotheistic as some Christians.

Then farther it came across me; How very remarkable it is, that the Jews, those strict Monotheists, never seem to have attacked the apostles for polytheism! It would have been so plausible an imputation, one that the instinct of party would so readily suggest, if there had been any external form of doctrine to countenance it. Surely it is transparent that the Apostles did not teach as Dr.

We can appreciate more beauty, but do we appreciate any quite as much as in those old days when we were such passionate monotheists of the beautiful? Alas! We are priests no more, are we even lovers? But we are wonderful connoisseurs. It is our souls. Mais sont les neiges d'antan?

"Who can tell," whispered the colonel in my ear, "whether these reports are mere gossip, or the truth?" Sadhu-Nanaka must not be confounded with Guru-Nanaka, a leader of the Sikhs. The former are Adwaitas, the latter monotheists. The Adwaitas believe only in an impersonal deity named Parabrahm. In the chief hall of the vihara was a life-sized statue of Bhavani, the feminine aspect of Shiva.