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His words were favorably received by the warriors of Chram, who, stepping towards Neroweg, said: "Count, we demand of you grace for this brave animal, and we do so in the name of the old German custom, according to which a guest's request is always granted." "King, the custom to the contrary notwithstanding, I shall avenge the death of Mirff and Morff, who cost me six gold pieces.

"Seigneur, I shall run to the kennel and bring the mastiffs Mirff and Morff."

The more ferocious they are and sharp their teeth, all the more amusing will be the sight." "Yes, yes," cried the Franks with shouts of joy; "the dogs the dogs a combat between the bear and the dogs." "Hello! my master of the hounds, Gondolf! fetch in Mirff and Morff if they leave a shred of skin and flesh on the bones of the bear I wish this goblet of wine may be poison to me."

Mirff was the first to dash forward, aiming at his belly, but that very instant the Vagre-bear struck him so violent a blow over the head that the club broke in three, and Mirff dropped as if struck by thunder, and emitting terrible howls. "Malediction!" cried the count. "There goes a mastiff that cost me three gold sous!

You saw it hunt in the forest of Margevol. You may send the master of the hounds to my villa, let him pick out six of my best and handsomest dogs to replace the two that lie dead at our feet." "I said I would revenge Mirff and Morff," yelled the count furiously, grinding his teeth. "Gondolf, the spears! the spears! death to the devilish bear!"

"My poor bear is wounded, mortally perhaps. I have lost my bread winner." "Fetch boar spears and axes!" cried the count foaming at the mouth with fury. "Let the ferocious brute be cut to pieces on the spot; he has just killed Mirff and Morff, the best two dogs of my pack! By the Terrible Eagle, my ancestor, I order that the cursed bear be cut to pieces instantly!

Instantly they barked furiously, and dashing forward wildly they broke the leash that Gondolf still held in his hand. In two bounds they precipitated themselves upon the lover of the bishopess. "At him, Mirff! At him, Morff!" cried the count clapping his hands. "At him! At the quarry, my wild fellows! Leave him not a shred of flesh on his bones!"

"Yes, yes, I allow the club I think that the bear striking at the dogs with a club will be a wonderful spectacle. And yet, I would have greatly preferred to have seen the beast killed by Mirff and Morff. But that would have ended the sport too quickly.

Gondolf, fetch the spears and axes; the bear shall be cut to pieces instantly!" "Count, the poor mountebank has placed himself under my protection. I may not forsake him." "Chram, whether or not you protect the old bandit, I shall revenge the death of my magnificent dogs Mirff and Morff." "Listen, Neroweg, I have a pack that is worth fully as much as yours.

When he heard the count's proposition, which was received with universal acclaim by the leudes, the lover of the bishopess, who, faithful to his role, was riding lustily on his cane around the table suddenly interrupted his antics and was on the point of expressing with some compromising gesture his refusal to serve as quarry for the fangs of Mirff and Morff.