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"You must protect me," said Dorothea, "you must not refuse me shelter, otherwise I must run in despair into the wide world, or madness will drive me into a mill-pool." "Calm yourself, child," said her friend soothingly; "you must of course return home. But tell me: what has befallen you all of a sudden?" "Only do not laugh," cried Dorothea, "keep serious, my good dear friend, for I am in despair.

He saw himself a tiny boy with thin black hair and grave eyes watching his father as he bathed in the mill-pool below the house his father rising naked from the stream, hung with the mists of early morning, naked with enormous chest, huge flanks, his beard black then and sweeping across his breast, his great thighs shining with the dripping water primitive, primeval, in the heart of the early morning silence.

But the Lady fair was very kind and gentle, and put her hand in mine and walked along with me, and sang, amid this solitude, the beautiful song that she used to sing to her guitar early in the morning at her open window, and in the placid mill-pool I saw her image, lovelier even than herself, except that the eyes were wondrous large and looked at me so strangely that I was almost afraid.

A few of the men swam, or waded after them, clutching a handful here or there but by the mill-pool the river ran swift, and the wheat had all soon disappeared, except what remained in the bag when it was drawn on shore. Over even that they fought like demons.

The prospect was very uncommon and romantic, consisting of innumerable islands, which formed as many harbours, where the water was as smooth as a mill-pool: We saw also many towns, scattered houses, and plantations, the country being much more populous than any we had seen.

In amazement she turned, squeezed the brine out of her eyes, and looked all round, and lo! the boat was in a trifling bobble of a sea, and close astern was the surge of fire raging, and growling, and blazing in vain, and the two sailors were pulling the boat, with superhuman strength and inspiration, into a monster mill-pool that now lay right ahead, black as ink and smooth as oil, singing loudly as they rowed: "Cheerily oh oh!

Our home stood at the corner of a lane towards the eastern extremity of the town, commanding a view of the Squire's Park, and a glimpse of the mill-pool and meadows in the valley beyond.

But when the sun rose higher in the sky, while heavy, white, noonday clouds gathered on the horizon, and the air hung sultry and still above the gently-waving grain, I could not but remember my village and my father, and our mill, and how cool and comfortable it was beside the shady mill-pool, and how far, far away from me it all was.

As to her rest for the night she had no plan, unless, indeed, she might find her rest in the hidden mill-pool of that dark, softly-gurgling stream. On that same day, between six and seven in the evening, the miller was told by Mr. Fenwick that his son was no longer accused of the murder.

In old days in Captain Cai's young days it ran up for half a mile or more to an embanked mill-pool and a mill-wheel lazily turning: and Rilla Farm had in those days been Rilla Mill, with a farmstead attached as the miller's parergon. But the railway had swept away mill-pool and wheel: and Rilla was now Rilla Farm.