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"Neque me divitiae movent, quibus omnes Africanos et Laelios milt, venalitii mercatoresque superârunt." Change the order a little, so that the sentence shall stand, "Multi superârunt mercatores venalitiique," and the whole effect is lost. And the subsequent sentences: "Neque vestis, ant caelatum aurum et argentum, quo nostros veteres Marcellos Maximosque multi eunuchi e Syriâ aegyptoque vicerunt."

Putatur enim fons ille immediate per poros subterraneos eliquari de fonte paradisi terrestris, ita quod nulla via decurrentium super terram fluentium vitietur. In ista etiam regione, et in insulis circumquaque crescit gingiber valde bonum, vnde et mercatores saepe ibi tendunt de Venetia pro emendo pipere et gingibere.

The following epitaph, in memory of their father, who was interred in the church of St. Mary Woolnoth, is here inserted, as having been written by Mr. Pepys: Jacobus Houblon Londin. Petri filius, Ob fidem Flandria exulantis: Ex C. Nepotibus habuit LXX superstites: Filios V. videns mercatores florentissimos; Ipse Londinensis Bursae Pater. 19th. Mr.

Nota, quilibet ignis soluit quolibet anno vnum balis pro tributo, quod valet vnum florenum cum dimidio, sed omnes famuli de domo vna pro vno igne computantur: summa ignium tributalium, octies centum millia. Reliqui vero Christiani mercatores, in isto vico non computantur. Copia est ibi victualium.

He divides professions into honourable, or those which increase the actual quantity of goods in the community or help its development, such as ecclesiastical offices, the law, the soldiery, the peasantry, artisans, and merchants, and degrading such as campsores, mercatores monetae sen billonatores.

Literas vestrae, Maiestatis superiori anno 1567, decimo die mensis Aprilis datas, vestri mercatores Stephanus Twerdico, et Pheodata Pogorella, qui has nostras perferunt, nobis tradidere.

"Nor am I dazzled by the splendor of wealth, in which many retailers, and private tradesmen have outvied all the Africani and the Lelii" Only invert the order a little, and say, "Multi superarunt mercatores, venatitiique," and the harmony of the period will be loft.