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There are many interesting remains here fragments of altars, sculptured capitals, and stones with inscriptions, all telling the same story the story of Roman dominion and greatness. Just then we had no time for archæology, for we wanted to push on to Karansebes, and we stayed only a day and a half at Mehadia.

Not even the ten hours of undisturbed consecutive repose in the downy bed at the Mehadia hotel had made up the deficiency of sleep during the foregoing week, and drowsiness overcame us. I think we must have had a couple of hours of monotonous jog-trot on the fairly level road when I fell asleep, and I suppose my companions did the same.

He further invited us to take part in it, and I gladly accepted, as it fitted in very well indeed with my plans. Karansebes is directly on the route to Transylvania, whither I was bound. The district we were to shoot over is the rocky border-land between Hungary and Roumania. My friend F agreed to accompany me, and on our way we proposed visiting the celebrated baths of Mehadia.

After a week of such weather as we had had in the mountains, a water-tight roof over one's head was in itself a luxury; so we were not inclined to quarrel with our quarters at the hotel at Mehadia, had they been even less good than they were. F and I wished the next day to get back to Karansebes; he had left his carriage, and I my Servian horse.

Here vegetation is in its richest profusion; the parasitical plants are surpassingly graceful, wreathing themselves over rocks and trees. Mehadia, or more strictly, Hercules-Bad, is the most fashionable bath in Hungary. The village of Mehedia must not be confounded with it, for it lies at a distance of six miles thence. The situation of Hercules-Bad is extremely romantic.

There is a small mosque with minarets visible amongst a group of the funeral cypress-tree, so characteristic of the presence of the Turk. Our road to Mehadia was away from the river, following instead the lead of a lateral valley. As we drove out of Orsova we passed a lot of Wallack huts forming a kind of suburb.

The costumes of the women were picturesque, but the dance itself was a slow affair, very unlike the lively czardas of the Magyar peasant. A hunting expedition proposed Drive from Uibanya to Orsova Oriental aspect of the market-place Cserna Valley Hercules-Bad, Mehadia Post-office mistakes Drive to Karansebes Rough customers en route Lawlessness Fair at Karansebes Podolian cattle Ferocious dogs.

The country round Mehadia is so wild, both in regard to the scenery and to the native population, that the contrast of dropping suddenly into a fashionable watering-place is very curious. This bath is much frequented for pleasure and health by the luxury-loving Roumanians, who invariably display the latest extravagance of Parisian fashion.

Away from the neighbourhood of the Szentirmays, and never come back again! "Mehadia, I think, would be the nicest place. That is far enough away anyhow," thought she. "I'll engage for you beforehand the best quarters procurable for the coming summer: it really is a very pleasant place." "And I have something else to ask." Kárpáthy could scarce contain himself for joy.

As it was more than we could comfortably manage to do the whole distance in a day, we arranged to drive as far as Terregova and sleep there. We left Mehadia early in the afternoon, F 's groom riding my horse. The road was excellent all the roads are in the districts of the Military Frontier.