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A vision of a new world is a content occurring not infrequently in manic states, but before the universe can be remolded it must be destroyed. Before the individual can enjoy new life, a new birth, he must die, and stupor often marks this death phase of a dominant rebirth fantasy.

This resentment against interference again reminds us of the reactions of a spoiled child. For instance, Laura A., in manic spells during which she was still constrained and drooled, said, “I don’t want to have my face washed.” In the intervals she showed an intense muscular resistiveness. Mary G. used to say, “Leave me alone,” and covered her head or buried it in the pillows.

Sometimes he fails to get it, and then he becomes an unemployed problem. This type of uncontrolled energy reaches its height in the manical or manic phase of the disease already described as manic depressive insanity. The "manic personality," which need not become insane, is characterized by high energy, vivacious emotions, rapid flow of thought and irrelevant associations.

The conflict was frankly stated in the words, “I love my father but don’t want to die.” Then for two weeks she had some fever, was tube-fed, muttered about being killed or showed some elation, there being apparently interrupted stuporous, manic and, possibly, anxiety episodes. Finally she settled down to a year of deep stupor.

Any condition where there is inactivity, scanty verbal productivity and poor intellectual performance resembles stupor. This triad of symptoms occurs in retarded depressions, in absorbed manic states and in perplexities. Negativism and catalepsy are never well developed except in stupor. So if these symptoms be present the diagnosis is simplified. But they are often absent from a typical stupor.

Occasionally there may be bursts of excitement, when they leave the bed; they may scold in a confused way or sing a popular song. His manic stupor is a “mixed condition,” a combination of retardation with elated mood.

Then Atherton launched into a description of how he had striven to find a girl who had the strong qualities his family germ plasm seemed to have lost, mainly, I gathered, resistance to a taint much like manic depressive insanity.

There is a definitely pathological trend to the cyclothymic, and in its most marked form one sees the recurring depressions and excitement of Manic Depressive Insanity. Aside from these pathological forms, there are persons who show curious periodic changes in mood. They become depressed for no especial reason, are "blue" for day after day and then quickly return to their normal.

Nothing is known of any special ideas. At the Observation Pavilion she appeared to be typically manic. Then she was sent to an institution where she remained for six weeks.

As it was, it was clear that we were dealing with mild stages of stupor. When a psychiatrist meets with an undeveloped manic state, he calls it a hypomania and does not hesitate to make this diagnosis in the absence of complete development into a florid excitement. This procedure is not questioned, because the manic reaction as distinguished from a mania is well recognized.