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At the gate we beheld a kicking, struggling mass of lingerie and bad dialect, which presently resolved itself into the forms of my temporary relatives who were now busily engaged in macadamizing the roadway with their heads.

The natives know all its virtues, and, while some ancient deposits of lava are used as a fertilizer for soils, other lava beds are blasted for building material and for macadamizing roads. Titanic volcanic action is apparent on every side. Every headland is an extinct volcano.

Iron ores are found everywhere, and are so little regarded for their metallic contents that, though containing, according to Mr. Logan, a skillful geologist, sixty percent of pure metal, they are used in Singapore for macadamizing the roads! Gold has been obtained in all ages, and formerly in considerable quantities, but the annual yield does not now exceed nineteen thousand ounces.

Some think it will spoil the old cart, and they pretend to say that there are valuable things in it which may get hurt. Hope not, hope not. But this is the great Macadamizing place, always cracking up something. Cracking up Boston folks, said the gentleman with the diamond-pin, whom, for convenience' sake, I shall hereafter call the Koh-i-noor.

Some think it will spoil the old cart, and they pretend to say that there are valuable things in it which may get hurt. Hope not, hope not. But this is the great Macadamizing place, always cracking up something. Cracking up Boston folks, said the gentleman with the diamond-pin, whom, for convenience' sake, I shall hereafter call the Koh-i-noor.

In the neighbourhood of Skibbereen, the people employed in breaking stones for macadamizing the roads struck work, and marched into the town in a body, asserting that the wages they were receiving was insufficient to support them. The overseer alleged that enough of work had not been done by the men, and that task work should be introduced.

Did they start with Reginald, with the condition of the morning-glory vines, with the proposition of taking up the quaint paving-stones and macadamizing the Street, they ended with the younger Wilson. Sidney's active young brain, turned inward for the first time in her life, was still on herself. "Mother is plaintively resigned and Aunt Harriet has been a trump. She's going to keep her room.

"A great deal; that is why I leave it in your hands. You are a thinking man you are not afraid of tradition." "Tradition tradition! the ruts made in the road by the vehicles that have passed over it in years gone by!" "The road to the Church is sadly in need of macadamizing, Mr. Holland or, better still, asphalting. Make a bicycle road of it, and you are all right.

The great expense of Macadamizing or Telfordizing puts these systems almost out of the reach of small communities. Wherever the original expense can be borne, the subsequent cost of maintenance will be so slight, and the result generally will be so satisfactory, as to make it always a good investment.

Some think it will spoil the old cart, and they pretend to say that there are valuable things in it which may get hurt. Hope not, hope not. But this is the great Macadamizing place, always cracking up something. Cracking up Boston folks, said the gentleman with the diamond-pin, whom, for convenience' sake, I shall hereafter call the Koh-i-noor.