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"Is the Professor's request reasonable?" To this Emma replied that as Nature was, upon the whole, a more important lady than either of them, she thought it was reasonable; whereupon the Professor agreed to postpone his visit to the Jardin, and devote his day to fixing stakes and making observations on the Mer de Glace, with a view to ascertaining the diurnal rate of speed at which the glacier flowed.

Again: I think I find additional evidence of a Lake Tahoe "mer de glace" in the contrasted character of the northern and southern shores of this Lake. All the little glacial lakes described above are deep at the upper end and shallow at the lower end.

"It was the first time I had seen the immense glacier popularly called 'La Mer de Glace. Through the green curtains of the pinewoods, I gazed upon the masses rising from the gulf, the depths of which are azure-tinted, while the surface is covered with dirt and blocks of snow.

By slow degrees the glaciers became visible: first those of Gria and Taconay; then the Glacier des Boissons, thrusting a crook of steel-blue ice far into the valley; and then faintly discernible in the distance, and seemingly a hand's breadth of snow framed by the sombre gorge the Glacier des Bois, a frozen estuary of the Mer de Glace. The twilight was now falling.

"On parle d'un poisson de mer qui, sortant de l'eau, monte sur la cocotier et boit le suc de la plante; ensuite il retourne á la mer."

The only intimation of any consciousness of a high mission comes from Hennepin, who, when the Griffin, some days later, was ploughing peacefully through the straits that led to the Mer Douce "verdant prairies, dotted with groves and bordered with lofty forests" on either side, "herds of deer and flocks of swans and wild turkeys" within sight, and the "bulwarks plentifully hung with game" wrote: "Those who will one day have the happiness to possess this fertile and pleasant strait, will be very much obliged to those who have shown them the way."

He had not much of a voice, but it was lusty and full of good feeling; and when cursing began, when a sailor even dared to curse his baptism the crime of crimes to a Catholic mind Jean Jacques began to sing a cheery song with which the habitants make vocal their labours or their playtimes: "A Saint-Malo, beau port de mer, Trois gros navir's sont arrives, Trois gros navir's sont arrives Charges d'avoin', charges de ble.

Our adventurer became less frequent in his visits, and more indifferent in his language and deportment; while Madam la Mer gradually relaxed in that complacency and respect with which she had hitherto behaved towards her fair lodger.

When she was wearied she crept into a shed in a farmyard, and slept, for the first time for weeks, the calm sleep of security and hope. "How like a prodigal doth she return, With over-weathered ribs and ragged sails." /Merchant of Venice/. "/Mer./ What are these? /Uncle./ The tenants." BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. /Wit without Money/.

Then again I seemed to find the word <i>luco</i>, which means sacred wood. Then in the third line I appeared to make out <i>labiled</i>, a perfect Hebrew word, and at the last the syllables mere, are, mer, which were French. It was enough to drive one mad. Four different idioms in this absurd phrase.