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It has been observed with justice that few worse instruments for such a purpose than the slender dark forked tongue of these snakes could have been contrived: and that, in fact, the saliva does not begin to be poured out abundantly till required to lubricate the jaws and throat of the animal straining to engulph the carcass.

I am slow to feel, slow, I suppose, to comprehend, and, like the anaconda, I need to lubricate any object a great deal before I can swallow it and actually make it my own. Yet I shall always enjoy having made this journey, and shall wonder the more at England, which comprehends so much, such a rich variety, within its narrow bounds.

As soon as this water gets upon our hot skin, it begins to evaporate and cool us off, as well as to carry off some of the waste in the form of gas. The trace of oil in the perspiration helps to lubricate the skin and keep it soft; but when too much of it is poured out we have that greasy feeling, which we have all felt after perspiring freely.

It is well-known by its grey metallic lustre; the chemist uses it mixed with fire-clay to make his crucibles; the engineer uses it, finely powdered, to lubricate his machinery; the house-keeper uses it to "black-lead" her stoves to prevent them from rusting.

"She likes my hair," said she, to lubricate the talk; and gave the mass of unparalleled gold an illustrative shake. Then, to steer the ship into less perilous, more impersonal waters: "I must have another of those delightful little hot rolls, if I die for it. Mr. Torrens's mother him I brought here, you know; he's got a mother says new bread at breakfast is sudden death. I don't care!"

God only knew how he was suffering day by day, hour by hour; but it were better that he should suffer than that she should be abandoned to the spiritual constriction of the old Roman python. It was horrible to think, but the powerful coils would break and crush to pulp; then the beast would lubricate and swallow.

And drew her old hand, tremulously, over the mass of rich black hair which the almost nominal bonnet of that day left uncovered, with the reticular arrangement that confined it, and went on speaking, dreamily: "It is very beautiful, but my lady's hair is golden, and shines like the sun." Thereon Gwen to lubricate matters: "Yes look here! But I know which I like best."

He may be mistaken, and there is no use frightening the men, until we are certain. "Shelton," asked Kennedy, "what sort of flash oil is used to lubricate the machinery?" "It is three-hundred-and-sixty-degree Fahrenheit flash test," he answered tersely. "And are the pipes leading air down into the tunnel perfectly straight?" "Straight?

She drank it voraciously to lubricate her dry throat. As she was drinking her water she heard the lonely howls of Rick's dog. Disregarding simple pleasures, which should have slid down the apertures of a being's senses and filled lonely vacuous gray matter with curiosity and awe, this dog was fixated on her. It "needed" her.

Thus when any extraneous material on the eye-ball, or the dryness of the external covering of it, or the coldness of the air, or the acrimony of some vapours, as of onions, stimulates the excretory duct of the lacrymal gland, it discharges its contents upon the ball; a quicker secretion takes place in the gland, and abundant tears succeed, to moisten, clean, and lubricate the eye.