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But the thought of lightenin' the burden of the sad and down hearted, makin' the mournful eyes dance with ecstasy, and the skrinkin' form bound with joy like like the boundin' row on the hill tops. Now as the case stands marry I will and must. My wife has already been lost for a period of three months lackin' three weeks. She sweetly passed away murmurin', 'I am glad to go." "No wonder at that!"

Gude-bye to 'e, bwoy, an' thank you for makin' me laugh heartier than I have this month of Sundays." "More fule you!" declared Will; but he was too elated at the turn of affairs to be anything but amiable just now. Before the other disappeared, he stopped him. "Shake hands, will 'e? I thank you for lightenin' my mind bein' a man of law, in a manner of speakin'. Ess, I'm obliged to 'e.

And look! there's a lightenin' up over the trail we came by." There was indeed a faint glow in that direction, like the first suffusion of dawn, permitting the huge shoulder of the mountain along whose flanks they had been journeying to be distinctly seen. The sodden breath of the stirred forest depths was slightly tainted with an acrid fume.

She sunk down an' down' til she was buried deep. Den de wind picked up de flame an' spread it lak lightenin'. It spread so fas' dat 'fore us could bat de eye, she was in a mountain of fiah. She struggled up all covered wid flames, a-screamin', Lawdy, he'p me! Us snatched her out an' rolled her on de groun', but twant no use. She died in a few minutes. "De marster's sons went to war.

"Gaspe Toujours is a papist," he said, "but he read me some of that book the day you left, and one thing we went to sleep on: it was that about 'Lightenin' the darkness, and defendin' us from all the perils and dangers of this night." Here Gaspe Toujours made the sign of the cross.