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We mention this took only because the second volume closes with a "Catalogue critique, chronologique et anecdotique," in which the author has, with great industry and care, and for the first time, brought together the principal historical notices of Beethoven's works, scattered through the pages of the books above noticed and the fifty quarto volumes of the "Leipziger Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung."

The Leipziger Street also belongs to the finest, but does not run into this promenade. The Gens-d'arme Square is distinguished by the French and German churches, at least by their exterior, by their high domes, columns, and porticoes. The interiors are small and insignificant.

Mephistopheles may therefore well say: "From water, earth, and air unfolding, A thousand germs break forth and grow In dry and wet, and warm and chilly; And had I not the Flame reserved, why really, There's nothing special of my own to show!" Leipziger Illustrirte Zeitung. By H. MARSHALL WARD.

Lenz confounds the two Electors in precisely the same manner. The former found it in the "Leipziger Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung," and probably had not authorities at hand to correct it.

For some months past they have tried every means possible to arrange personal interviews with the leaders of the corresponding party in France the French "comrades" have refused to meet them. The Leipziger Volkszeitung for July 16th, 1915, contains more than a column about "We and the French," in which the German party spreads the usual Teutonic lime of sophistry and empty phrases.

These Roman knaves come along, place the Pope above Christ and make him a judge over the Scriptures. They say that he cannot err." "Das Bemulhen der Leipziger Gehässigkeit." To Spalatin, Jan. 10. "Die Nichstwürdigkeitem der Leipziger." To Joh. Lang, Jan. 26. "Die Kunstangriffder Leipziger Partei." To Spalatin, Feb. 5.

The building of the Lower House the Abgeordnetenhaus is near the eastern extremity of the Leipziger Strasse, and the House of Lords Herrenhaus is adjacent to the Reichstag-Gebaude. The Prussian Lower House is somewhat larger in numbers than the Reichstag, and is of course an elective body.

Both Lenz and Marx follow him in the date; both quote Beethoven's words, that the lady in question married Count Gallenberg before the departure of the latter to Italy; both coincide in overlooking the circumstance related in the "Leipziger Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung," that, before June, 1806, a grand performance of music, composed and directed by Gallenberg, took place at Naples in honor of Joseph Bonaparte; proof sufficient that Beethoven could not in July of that year have addressed the lady in these terms: "Mein Engel, mein Alles, mein Ich!"

The War Office of the Government is in the Leipziger Strasse, adjoining the Reichstag, with one of the finest of ancient parks behind it, covering a space equal to several squares in the heart of the city. This park is elaborate and finely kept, but it is surrounded by high walls, within which the public is rarely admitted. Even its existence is unsuspected by most visitors.

The Leipziger Folkszeitung, second in importance only to the Vorwärts nailed down a phrase in the Kaiser's speech from the throne, which stated: "We are inspired by no desire for conquest." In commenting on this phrase, Kautsky's organ said: "The part of the speech which excites most sympathy in us is the admission that Germany cherishes no lust for conquest.