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Ledwich promised to come to tea, and instantly prepared to walk to Miss Rich, and authorise her to send out the notes of summons to the morrow's meeting. Ethel offered to walk with her, and found Mrs. and Miss Rich in a flutter, after Dr. Spencer's call; the daughter just going to put on her bonnet and consult Mrs. Ledwich, and both extremely enchanted with Dr.

"When I am churchwarden again, I'll see what can be done about the seats; but it's no sort of use, while Ramsden goes on as he does." "Now my poor children are done for!" said Ethel. "They will never come again. And it's horrid, papa; there are lots of town children who wear immense long plaits of hair, and Mrs. Ledwich never interferes with them.

Yet Henry Ward was really a good brother, sacrificing much to his orphan sisters, and living a moral and religious life such as gained for him much credit, and made Mrs. Ledwich congratulate Averil on the great excellence and kindness of her incomparable brother. Averil assented, and felt it a dreary thing to have an incomparable brother.

"Oh, Margaret, if the lawful authority if a good clergyman would only come, how willingly would I work under him! But Mrs. Ledwich and it is like having all the Spaniards and savages spoiling Robinson Crusoe's desert island!" "It is not come to that yet," said Margaret; "but about the fancy fair. We all know that the school is very much wanted."

"Let Ethel do that, and ask her to tea, and we will show her your drawing of the school." So the remaining ladies were divided Ethel was to visit Miss Anderson, Miss Boulder, and Mrs. Ledwich; Dr. Spencer, the rest, and a meeting, if possible, be appointed for the next day.

As to the muses, they gave no trouble at all. Exemplary civilities about the chair passed between the Member's lady and Mrs. Ledwich, ending in Flora's insisting that priority in office should prevail, feeling that she could well afford to yield the post of honour, since anywhere she was the leader. She did not know how much more conformable the ladies had been ever since they had known Dr.

Ledwich, who "always did things methodically," moved, and Miss Anderson seconded, that the land requisite for the school must be obtained, and the nine ladies held up their hands, and resolved it.

There were nine ladies on the committee nine muses, as the doctor called them, because they produced anything but harmony. Mrs. Ledwich was in the chair; Miss Rich was secretary, and had her pen and ink, and account-book ready.

Elwood had burst out in defence it was Miss Ethel May's book, and should not be taken away it was Miss Ethel as she looked to; and when it seemed that Mrs. Ledwich had said something disparaging of Miss Ethel, either as to youth, judgment, or doctrine, Mrs.

'I will, said Leonard, descending; and for the rest of the day he was an efficient assistant in the decorations, and the past adventure was only apparent in the shattered glass, and the stern ceremonious courtesy of the younger brother towards the elder. Averil hurried about, devoid of all her former interest in so doing things for herself as to save interference; and when Mrs. Ledwich and Mrs.