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Agnes thought to herself that she had not given the man credit for a certain rough grace which she now perceived, and as she turned back to look at him he was looking at her with a fixed, incomprehensible expression. "Am I being watched?" thought Agnes. One day, in early June, as Agnes entered the parlor, she found Reverend Silas Van de Lear there.

The will of the deceased persons made Andrew Zane full legatee of both estates, and left a life interest in the Queen Street house, and $2000 a year to "Agnes Wilt, my ward and housekeeper." The executors of the Zane estate were named as Agnes Wilt, Rev. Silas Van de Lear, and Duff Salter.

When Shakespeare has Lear say of Cordelia: "Her voice was ever soft, Gentle, and low; an excellent thing in woman," Two of these three words express varying shades of quality.

'Well, in my opinion, that would be very appropriate. As the other was a father and daughter, here is a mother and son; but if you don't like it, what think you of Lear and Cordelia? Amy's voice faltered, and she dared not raise her eyes from the sketch which she affected to be examining. 'I'm not in a mood for painting to-day: I'll try tomorrow.

It may, indeed, be necessary for physicians to study minutely many special cases of insanity in order to build up by induction the grand generalization of Lear; but he who gave it grasped it entire in an ideal world, and left to less happy natures the task of imitating its august proportions by patiently piling together a thousand facts.

McCullough had always been supremely great in characters requiring the delineation of madness Virginius, King Lear, Othello. Whether this had anything to do with the final tragedy cannot be said, but in 1884, while playing at Chicago, he broke down in the midst of a performance, and had to be led from the stage. His mind was gone; he never rallied, and ended his days in an asylum for the insane.

For a time the watching sister was absorbed in King Lear; then she fell to wondering whether Cordelia was not unkindly stiff toward her old father, but perceived at length that, with such sisters listening, she could not have spoken otherwise. Then she wondered whether there could be women so bad as Goneril and Regan, concluding that Shakspere must know better than she.

Silent, uncomplaining, unapproachable, and grim, he kept to his rooms in the Iroquois, oldest of Vesper's highly modern hotels; or was wheeled abroad by his one attendant, who was valet, confidant, factotum, and friend Cornelius Van Lear, withered, parchment-faced, and brown, strikingly like Rameses II as to appearance and garrulity.

One to radiate all of art's, all literature's splendor a splendor so dazzling that he himself is almost lost in it, and his contemporaries the same his fictitious Othello, Romeo, Hamlet, Lear, as real as any lords of England or Europe then and there more real to us, the mind sometimes thinks, than the man Shakspere himself. Then the other may we indeed name him the same day?

Agamemnon, OEdipus, Orestes, Hamlet, Lear, Père Goriot, are supreme figures in that world of the imagination in which the poets have endeavoured both to reflect and to interpret the world as men see it and act in it.