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Soon the women saw him driving a neighbor's cart up the street. "He's going to cart gravel for John Leach's new sidewalk!" gasped Alma. "Why don't you stop him?" cried her sister. "You can't have your husband driving a tip-cart for John Leach. Stop him, Alma!" "I can't stop him," moaned Alma. "I don't feel as if I could stop anything."

Hist. and Gen. Register, 1855. Frothingham's "Siege," 230. Ibid., 279. This obscure diversion caused the Dorringtons to be suspected of signalling at night to the rebels. Leach's and Edes' "Journals," N. E. Hist. and Gen. Register, 1865; Newell's "Journal," Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, i, series iv; Frothingham's "Siege," 239; Sabine's "Loyalists." September 26.

They themselves must have been much amused, and the Chancellor's not getting to dinner till a quarter past eight, and going away at a quarter-past ten, must have satisfied them that something was in the wind. Desired Jones to make out the appointment of Leach's son to a clerkship immediately, and signed it in the course of the evening. House at five. It was very full.

Leach and Edes kept diaries when in prison. This Leach suspected to be intentional, but the offensive actions and words were incessant, especially on Sundays. On the 17th Leach's son died, "whom I left well in my house"; but he was not allowed to attend the funeral, nor to be tried, nor dismissed.

We were invited on shore by the Leach's sheep-farming cousin, who had come to meet them, but we returned on board to sleep. The following morning, getting our luggage together, we all four started for Christchurch on hired horses, sending our kit round the hill by cart.

He saw Alma; he recognised Miss Leach; the third lady was named to him as Miss Leach's sister. 'You knew I was in London? Alma remarked rather than inquired. 'I had no idea of it until I heard your violin. 'My violin, but not my playing. It was Miss Leach.

'The Governor wouldn't have believed it in any other way. Then he told me not to feel bad, that well" Leach's voice clogged up here, and he wiped his twitching lips with his slender hand "well, Seventy-two said that a look had come in my face which showed that peace was mine at last. He said he was going to keep on praying for me, and advised me to try to do good among the prisoners.

Their more fortunate fellow-prisoners, who were not taken in arms and who received food from their families in Boston, sent the Bunker Hill prisoners what comforts they could bribe the soldiers to take to them; but, says Leach's diary, "they have no Wood for days together, to Warm their Drink, and dying men drink them cold."

"Never mind! we'll have a tussle for the trees!" said John to himself, as after his cold tubbing he swung his dumb-bells to and fro with the athletic lightness and grace of long practice; "If the villagers are prepared to contest Leach's right to destroy the Five Sisters, I'll back them up in it! I will! And I'll speak my mind to Miss Vancourt too!