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Then I called her a fidgety, fussy old maid." "And your letter is from her?" Rose said inquiringly. "Yes; she wants me to pay her a visit, taking Elsie with me, and leaving her there for the summer." "There, papa! where?" "Lansdale, Ohio. Should you like to go?"

Yet Miss Lansdale had clearly resolved to deprive my dreaming of even this slight support of realness. I tried always to remember, in her behalf, that she did not know the circumstances, and she herself very soon discovered that she did not know Jim. The assaults she made upon his fidelity proved her to be past-mistress of tactics and strategy.

And, curiously, since Miss Lansdale did not appear formidable to masculine Little Arcady with one negligible exception she seemed to try perversely not to be so. She was amazingly gracious to it still with one exception. She melted to frivolity and the dance of mirth.

A rain two days before had laid the dust, and the roads were in perfect condition. In a surprisingly short time they had come in sight of Lansdale, a little village on the coast. They stopped at the post-office and Brandon climbed out of the car and went in. The postmaster eyed him warily, and was at first somewhat disinclined to give any information, but the sight of the badge that proclaimed Mr.

When Aunt Delia McCormick in my hearing said, "Well, now, what a world this is!" and Mrs. Westley Keyts answered, "That's very true!" I knew they referred to the Lansdale furniture. It was typical of the prevailing stupefaction. "It seems that a collector may be a gentleman," said Miss Caroline, "but Mr. Cohen wasn't even a collector!" Then I told her the considerable sum now to her credit.

Two days later, Egerton took this letter from the post-office in Lansdale. He read it with a scowl on his brow. "Ah! I see your game, young man," he muttered with an oath, "but you'll find that you've got hold of the wrong customer. My reply shall be short and sweet, and quite to the point."

It spoke of Lansdale as a pretty, healthful village, surrounded by beautiful scenery, and boasting of some excellent society: of two lively young girls, living in the next house to her own, who would be charming companions for Elsie, etc. "Your remark that your aunt was an oddity in some respects has excited my curiosity," said Rose.

"Well, that's practically it. But I don't mind hinting a little, in strict confidence." He dropped into a chair, sitting earnestly forward. "You see, Cal, I remembered a little remark Mrs. Potts once made. I believe it was the day after Mrs. Lansdale entertained the ladies' club last summer I remember she was complaining of a headache " "I never knew Mrs. Potts to make a little remark," I said.

Not that these had given way to their opposites; they were simply not there. Not the faintest hint of unfriendliness could I detect. Miss Lansdale had merely detached herself into a magnificent void of disinterest, from the centre of which she surveyed me without prejudice in moments when her glance could not be better occupied.

The fellows made themselves as comfortable as an unlimited supply of rugs and a couple of foot-warmers would admit of. Dick Worcester, without a blush, propped his head against a window and said: "Grim, there's a lingering death for you if you fail to wake me five minutes from Lansdale."