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The past year saw the conclusion of Nisard's work, the most comprehensive history of French literature. Par D. Nisard, de l'Académie Française, Inspecteur-Général de l'Enseignement Supérieur.

The liquid obtained by straining off the ferment on a filter paper possesses the property of converting cane-sugar into uncrystallizable sugar." BERTHELOT, Comptes rendus de l'Academie.

Though he neither feels like Loti nor sees like Maupassant he reflects. JULES LEMAITRE de l'Academie Francaise. I send you, my dear Primoli, from beyond the Alps, the romance of international life, begun in Italy almost under your eyes, to which I have given for a frame that ancient and noble Rome of which you are so ardent an admirer.

Before retiring into private life, however, he poured out in his Couches de l'Académie a torrent of poison, which was distilled through the presses of Amsterdam in 1687.

"M. Darwin continue: 'Aucune distinction absolue n'a ete et ne pout etre etablie entre les especes et les varietes. Je vous ai deja dit que vous vous trompiez; une distinction absolue separe les varietes d'avec les especes." "Je vous ai deja dit; moi, M. le Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie des Sciences: et vous 'Qui n'etes rien, Pas meme Academicien;

[Footnote H: Cours de Littérature Dramatique. Par Saint-Marc Girardin, de l'Académie Française, Professeur

It has first been utilised in H. Pientout's valuable paper, La prise de Caen par Édouard III. en 1346, in Mémoires de l'Académie de Caen . It was only at Caen that any real resistance was encountered.

Madame Bentzon is likewise the translator of Aldrich, Bret Harte, Dickens, and Ouida. Some of her critical works are 'Litterature et Moeurs etrangeres', 1882, and 'Nouveaux romanciers americains', 1885. M. THUREAU-DANGIN de l'Academie Francaise.

Further notable novels are: 'Criquette, Deux Mariages, Un Grand Mariage, Un Mariage d'Amour', all in 1883; 'Princesse, Les Trois Coups de Foudre, Mon Camarade Moussard', all in 1884; and the romances, 'Karikari , and Mariette . Since that time, I think, Halevy has not published anything of importance. E. LEGOUVE de l'Academie Francaise.

"He was a philosopher," says Abbe d'Olivet in his Histoire de l'Academie Francaise; "all he dreamt of was a quiet life, with his friends and his books, making a good choice of both; not courting or avoiding pleasure; ever inclined for moderate fun, and with a talent for setting it going; polished in manners, and discreet in conversation; dreading every sort of ambition, even that of displaying wit."