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'Lord Kilgobbin and Dick were here a moment ago, and disappeared suddenly; Miss Kearney for an instant, and also left as abruptly; and now you have come, I most earnestly hope not to fly away in the same fashion. 'No; I mean to eat my breakfast, and so far to keep you company. 'I thank the tea-urn for my good fortune, said he solemnly.

I don't want him to bother about me I I " It did not want much more to start her off in a wild fit of weeping about nothing, her mind for some reason or other unknown even to herself was worked up and seething just as on that day at Kilgobbin when the woes of Rafferty had caused her to make such an exhibition of herself in the library.

McKeown who acted for Lord Kilgobbin, had once told Gorman that all the King's County property of the O'Sheas was entailed upon him, and that his aunt had no power to alienate it.

While the discussion was proceeding as to the mode in which this bold resolution should be most becomingly brought under Lord Kilgobbin's notice, a messenger on horseback arrived with a letter for McGloin. The bearer was in the Kilgobbin livery, and a massive seal, with the noble lord's arms, attested the despatch to be from himself.

'I see here, cried he, 'his Excellency is good enough to say that some mark of royal favour might be advantageously extended to those Kilgobbin people, in recognition of their heroic defence. What should it be, is the question. 'Confer on him the peerage, perhaps. 'That is totally out of the question.

'Are you come to study whist, Nina? said Lord Kilgobbin, as she drew nigh the table. 'No, my lord; I have no talent for games, but I like to look at the players. Joe touched Dick with his foot, and shot a cunning glance towards him, as though to say, 'Was I not correct in all I said?

'I don't suppose you want money' was another way of saying, 'You are your aunt's heir. You are the future owner of the O'Shea estates. No vast property, it is true; but quite enough to maintain the position of a gentleman. 'Who knows how much of this Lord Kilgobbin or his son Dick believed? thought he.

Had the Government Commissioner, sent to report on the state of land-tenure in Ireland, confined himself to a visit to the estate of Lord Kilgobbin for so we like to call him it is just possible that the Cabinet would have found the task of legislation even more difficult than they have already admitted it to be.

We'll take him over with us; and once at Kilgobbin, they'll want a regiment of soldiers if they mean to take him. It is nigh twelve o'clock now, is it not? 'It is on the stroke of two, sir. 'Is it possible? I believe I overslept myself in the strange bed. Be alive now, Dick, and take the 2.40 train to town.

But if Lever is not realistic he is natural; he follows the law of his nature as an artist should; he sees life through his own medium; and if books are to be valued as companions, not many of them are better company than Charles O'Malley or Lord Kilgobbin; for first and last Lever was always himself. Yet, I must own it, it does not do to read Lever soon after Miss Barlow.