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The monarchists, boldly acting on the principle that possession is nine points of the law, called upon the provinces to anticipate the vote and to substitute the title of Emperor for that of President in all government documents and petitions so that morally the question would be chose jugee. To the Military and Civil Governors of the Provinces:

He did not understand even yet that he had the right to remain at "Five Gables," but this right had so often been insisted upon that he began at last to believe in its reality and to accept the situation as a chose jugée. And with the conviction, there came an intense longing to revisit the old scenes who knows, it may have been but the promptings of a vanity after all.

Justly admiring the industry and erudition of the separatists, they are unmoved by their arguments, to which they do not reply, being convinced in their own minds. But the number and perseverance of the separatists make on "the general reader" the impression that Homeric unity is chose jugee, that scientia locuta est, and has condemned Homer.

President Ham clinched his great fist convulsively and, with delight in his pantomime, opened his fingers one by one, and held out his pink palm, wrinkled and crossed like the hand of a washerwoman, as though to show Billy that in it lay the fly, dead. "C'EST UNE CHOSE JUGEE!" thundered the president. He reached for his quill pen.

The monarchists, boldly acting on the principle that possession is nine points of the law, called upon the provinces to anticipate the vote and to substitute the title of Emperor for that of President in all government documents and petitions so that morally the question would be chose jugée. To the Military and Civil Governors of the Provinces:

D'ordre de son Gouvernement, l'Ambassadeur d'Autriche a communiqué au Gérant du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères que la réponse de la Serbie a été jugée insuffisante

President Ham clinched his great fist convulsively and, with delight in his pantomime, opened his fingers one by one, and held out his pink palm, wrinkled and crossed like the hand of a washerwoman, as though to show Billy that in it lay the fly, dead. "C'est une chose jugée!" thundered the president. He reached for his quill pen.

"There must be there would be a moral claim!" The colour rushed into Melrose's face. He drummed the table impatiently. "We will not, if you please, argue the matter, which is for me a chose jugée. And no one who wishes to remain a friend of mine" he spoke with emphasis "will ever attempt to raise ghosts that are better left in their graves.

The Duchess objected to the Amen, which I thought gave an air of forgiveness and chose jugee to the whole thing; also she said it wasn't Persian enough, as though I were trying to sell her a kitten whose mother had married for love rather than pedigree. So I recast it entirely, and the new version read

La proposition de la Russie fut jugée par l'Allemagne inacceptable pour l'Autriche-Hongrie. Simultanément on reçut