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The doctor from Fayville has been to see him several times and he says the trouble is I know that you will laugh at me now, but I can only write what it sounds like to me 'Aunt Jina pecks her wrist. He has pains in his heart and has to keep very still, which he does not like to do, so I am the nurse and, whenever I feed him, or give him the medicine that the doctor left, I put on my nurse's dress.

Its peculiarity is a greater resemblance to the Zanzibarian Kisawahili than any tongue known to me on the Western Coast: often a question asked by the guide, as "Njia hapa?" We should expect "Jina jako," whereas this would offend the native ear.

Parśva, the twenty-third Jina, must have some historical basis . We are told that he lived 250 years before Mahâvîra, that his followers still existed in the time of the latter: that he permitted the use of clothes and taught that four and not five vows were necessary . Both Jain and Buddhist scriptures support the idea that Mahâvîra was a reviver and reformer rather than an originator.

The former do not emphasize the novelty of his revelation and the latter treat Jainism as a well-known form of error without indicating that it was either new or attributable to one individual. Mahâvîra, or the great hero, is the common designation of the twenty-fourth Jina but his personal name was Vardhamâna.

Also in consequence of the ill-foundedness of reasoning. This latter point is proved by the fact that the arguments set forth by Buddha, Kanada, Akshapada, Jina, Kapila and Patanjali respectively are all mutually contradictory. Let us then view the matter as follows.

Jina was a Perfect One, who subdued all worldly desires; who lived an unselfish life, practiced the golden rule, harmed no living thing, and attained the highest aim of the soul, right knowledge, right conduct, temperance, sobriety, chastity and a Holy Calm. There are now 1,334,148 Jains in India, and among them are the wealthiest, most highly cultured and most charitable of all people.

The Sutra means to say that by the demolition given above of the Sankhya doctrine which is not comprised within the Veda the remaining theories which are in the same position, viz. the theories of Kanada, Akshapada, Jina, and Buddha, must likewise be considered as demolished.

Hence Smriti says, The Sankhya, the Yoga, the Pankaratra, the Vedas, and the Psupata doctrine all these having their proof in the Self may not be destroyed by arguments. The essential points in all these doctrines are to be adopted, not to be rejected absolutely as the teaching of Jina. or Sugata is to be rejected.

They were called indifferently Buddha, Jina, Arhat, etc., and it was only after the constitution of the Buddhist church that these titles received fixed meanings. Closely connected with the idea of the Buddha or Jina is that of the Mahâpurusha or great man. Such a prediction is said to have been made respecting the infant Gotama and all previous Buddhas.

The teachings of Buddha survive in a sect known as the Jains, founded by Jina, or Mahavira, a Buddhist priest, about a thousand years ago, as a protest against the cruel encroachments of the Hindus.